View Full Version : php: Can't get if/else to work right?

June 23rd, 2007, 08:25 PM
I want to print out the name of the Organization evaluators whenever there's data in my database. And I want to printout "Don't know" whenever there isn't any data.
But I can't make it work :(
Originally I used
if ( !empty($_REQUEST....)
But that made the code jump right to the
else part thus making all printout "Don't know" even if there's data for selected products.

if ( !isset($_REQUEST["Evaluators"]) ) {

print "<tr>" .

"<td>Organization evaluation by: </td>" .

"<td><b>" .

$one_whole_row["Evaluators"] .

"</b></td>" .


} else {

print "<tr>" .

"<td>Organization evaluation by: </td>" .

"<td><b>" .

"Don't know!" .

"</b></td>" .


Can you see what's wrong or how I should back track all my codes?

June 26th, 2007, 02:56 AM
Try taking out the ! from isset.

if ( isset($_REQUEST["Evaluators"]) ) {

print "<tr>" .

"<td>Organization evaluation by: </td>" .

"<td><b>" .

$one_whole_row["Evaluators"] .

"</b></td>" .


} else {

print "<tr>" .

"<td>Organization evaluation by: </td>" .

"<td><b>" .

"Don't know!" .

"</b></td>" .


}isset is pretty much the opposite of empty in the context you were using it.

June 26th, 2007, 09:39 AM
I managed to sort things out now, it was the $_REQUEST part that was causing troubles
I should have accessed the variable from mysqli_fetch_assoc instead.

if ( isset($one_whole_row["Evalutators"]) ) {

Now Firefox is happy and when Firefox is happy I'm happy :)