View Full Version : g++ No New Line Error

June 12th, 2007, 11:01 AM
I am learning C++ out of a book meant for windows users. I know my code is right but I still get this error:

$ g++ add.cpp -o add.out
add.cpp:24:2: warning: no newline at end of file

The program will run fine and everything but this error just irks me ;)

Here is my source code if you would like to check it out:

// add.cpp
// Adds two user inputs

#include <iostream>

int main()
int integer1; // first number to be input by user
int integer2; // second number
int sum; // sum will be stored in this variable

std::cout << "Enter first integer\n"; // prompt
std::cin >> integer1; // assigns input to variable integer1

std::cout << "Enter second integer\n"; // second integer prompt
std::cin >> integer2; // assigns input to variable integer2

sum = integer1 + integer2; // assignment operator for sum

std::cout << "The sum of the two numbers is " << sum << "\n"; // Prints the sum of two numbers

return 0;


I have tried many different things including using std::endl; instead of the escape character but still no luck. Thanks for anyone who takes the time to answer this stupid and pointless question.

June 12th, 2007, 11:17 AM
Um... tried putting a blank line after the last } ?

Btw, it's not an error. It's just a warning. An error stops compilation and doesn't let you compile without correcting it. A warning is just that, a warning. It still compiles and runs, as you yourself noticed.

June 12th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Um... tried putting a blank line after the last } ?


Yeah, this worked. Boy, do I feel stupid.
Thanks for the tips.