View Full Version : Reading multibyte character (Unicode) characters from a file.

June 11th, 2007, 01:20 PM
Hello all,

I have programmed (in C++) an error-tolerant XML parser. Now I want to give this parser ability to handle (multibyte) unicode (http://www.unicode.org/) characters in XML-files.

[ The XML standard says that XML files can contain unicode characters such as UTF-8, -16 and -32 ]

I have started to experiment with std::wifstream class and wchar_t and wstring data types. But this wchar_t, utf-? and wstring stuff is not so easy to understand.

I started to create a simple example that reads text from a unicode file. It's not ready yet. I need your help.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <locale>

using namespace std;

int main()
std::wifstream ffile;
wchar_t wbuf[128];

char *s;
unsigned short utf_mode = 0;

std::string fileName = "test1.txt";

if (((s = getenv("LC_ALL")) && *s) ||
((s = getenv("LC_CTYPE")) && *s) ||
((s = getenv("LANG")) && *s))
if (strstr(s, "UTF-8"))
utf_mode = 8;
else if (strstr(s, "UTF-16"))
utf_mode = 16;
else if (strstr(s, "UTF-32"))
utf_mode = 32;

wcout << L"UTF mode is " << utf_mode << endl;

// if (!setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""))
// {
// wcout << L"Cannot set locale !" << endl;
// }

ffile.open(fileName.c_str() , wifstream::in);

if (!ffile.is_open()) {
wcerr << L"Cannot open file" << endl;
return 0;

while (!ffile.eof())
// how to read any UTF (8,16,32) characters from the file ???

// code.read(&wbuf[0], sizeof(wchar_t) * 100);
// code.getline(wbuf, sizeof(wchar_t) * 100);


return 0;



How do I know what encoding mode the file has? Do I have to test the BOM code at the beginning of the file . See: http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/c-unicode.html

Can I assume that wifstream and its read() function call does detect unicode characters automatically?

This is a new subject and I cannot even ask all the relevant questions. So please,
come up with tips, advice and links. Give me ANYTHING, EXAMPLES etc..

Here is a good UTF-8 example with text from various languages
Picture: http://www.futuredesktop.org/tmp/utf8-test1.png

Of course, if you save it (eg. in the gedit editor) as UTF-32 file it will not print correctly in a terminal window.

My current settings are:

$ set | grep LANG

I do not want to use any GUI or other additional libraries such as Pango / GTK2, QT or WxWidgets.

June 11th, 2007, 02:35 PM
neither read nor wifstream detects anything. you may want to try browsing through libxml code for handling utf characters