View Full Version : Philly InstallFest SUCCESS!

June 3rd, 2007, 05:10 AM
Below is an email was from kejava (Kevin).... From this email and what I've seen on the IRC, it looks like this was a great success! Congratulations to everyone who participated in this event.

I look forward to seeing and particpating in more of these events as we move forward.

Once again, great job Kevin, Jim, Alex, Ben, Randy, Joe, and everyone else that made this Installfest a success!

- Bret

Hi everyone,

I'm quite exhausted so I will have to keep this short. The install-fest
at NTR went very well today. I think our small team did an excellent
job of pulling our limited resources together. The core install team
that I speak of: Jim, Alex, Ben, Randy, Joe, and myself. Did I forget
any other installers? I apologize in the advance.

Also a big thanks to Alex's girlfriend, Gabby, and Joe's girlfriend for
helping out. Jim brought a nice spread of special "Ubuntu Bread",
bagels, and coffee. Randy brought bags of chocolate. Someone donated
money so Ben bought 8 liters worth of soda. Pizza appeared from thin
air. I still don't know who got that.

Wes, Terri, and Michael of the Mt. Airy CVG showed up with the Girls Inc
PC. I saw a several people from PACS: Chris Freeman, Rich Sias, and two

When we went into this, we intended to keep track of everyone
attending. We were out numbered and eventually gave up on counting (at
least I did). We believe that about 25 - 30 people showed up in the 9am
- 6pm time span that we were there. Some people brought more than one
PC. Sometimes we took turns working on the same PC. An exact head
count will be tricky to come by.

What I do know is that a lot more people showed up than I had expected.
I ran into a lot more installation problems than I expected. I had much
more fun than I expected. We should probably start a whole thread on
things we need to change in future install-fests ... for now let's just
bask in the sweet success of this one. Besides, I gotta hit the hay,
I'm freakin' tired.

Please, share your thoughts.


June 3rd, 2007, 01:05 PM
Thanks everyone! This was a great event, but time to get working on what's next!!

June 4th, 2007, 12:45 AM
Thanks everyone! This was a great event, but time to get working on what's next!!

I agree. What's next is the Girls Inc. project. Check out my latest post (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-pa/2007-June/000068.html) to the mailing list.

June 5th, 2007, 03:55 PM
For those that missed the installfest i've tried to create a play-by-play as best as I could remember it. I am sure that I missed alot. The activity was amazing.


I hope someone got some photos and they will get posted also.

June 5th, 2007, 08:21 PM
Jim, awesome blog post! Great detail. I only remember like 2 or 3 names.