View Full Version : Python Problem

May 27th, 2007, 04:02 PM
I'm pretty much new to Python (although have fairly limited experience with Java) and I'm just messing around for now, learning the language. I'm writing a tournament system to get to grips with Pythons class and object system and am stuck.

I have two classes, a Player class and a Tournament class. The Player class defines two attributes, the player's name and whether or not the player is still in the tournament (using a string of either 'yes' or 'no' at the moment).

The Tournament class asks for the number of players, a player name and whether the player is in or not, then creates a Player object using these. These are then put in the list.

Populating the list is fine, I get to put how many players I want, their name and whether they are still in the tournament, but I then want to print the names and their staus out to screen and get an error.

Below is the source code.

class Player:
def __init__(self, name, playerIn = 'yes'):
self.name = name
self.playerIn = playerIn
def playerName(self):
print self.name, self.playerIn

class Tournament:

def playerCreation(self):

playerList = []
for i in range (int(raw_input("Enter the number of players: "))):
playerName = raw_input("Enter name of player: ")
stillIn = raw_input("Is the player still in? Yes or No: ")
obj = Player(playerName, stillIn)
return playerList

p = Tournament()
players = p.playerCreation()
for item in players:
print playerName, stillIn

And below is the output.

Enter the number of players: 2
Enter name of player: john
Is the player still in? Yes or No: yes
Enter name of player: luke
Is the player still in? Yes or No: no
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tourn", line 23, in <module>
print playerName, stillIn
NameError: name 'playerName' is not defined

I'm not sure where I'm going wrong, can anyone help please? Thanks in advance.

May 27th, 2007, 04:12 PM
p = Tournament()
players = p.playerCreation()
for item in players:
# --> Where do 'playerName' and 'stillIn' come from?
print playerName, stillIn

What do you type do you think 'item' is?

May 27th, 2007, 04:43 PM
This will work :

class Player:
def __init__(self, name, playerIn = 'yes'):
self.name = name
self.playerIn = playerIn
def playerName(self):
print self.name, self.playerIn

class Tournament:

def playerCreation(self):

playerList = []
for i in range (int(raw_input("Enter the number of players: "))):
playerName = raw_input("Enter name of player: ")
stillIn = raw_input("Is the player still in? Yes or No: ")
obj = Player(playerName, stillIn)
return playerList

p = Tournament()
players = p.playerCreation()
for item in players:
print item.name, item.playerIn

Just notice the changes I made.