View Full Version : Python CSV module error

May 25th, 2007, 12:17 AM
This is my first time using the CSV module in python. I am importing a pretty massive (4 columns with over 7000 rows) csv file. I do some parsing and save the variables which I build an object with. Then, I store the objects in a list. Essentially, the data on each row will equal one object. My code works fine with a relatively small sample of the data, but when I try to process the whole file I get the following error in terminal:

IOError: [Errno 24] Too many open files: 'file.csv'

Anyone recognize this error? I've searched and found very little. Thanks in advance.

May 25th, 2007, 12:59 AM
show your code

May 25th, 2007, 02:39 PM
The 'loadCSV' method is the part of the code that loads the data from the csv file, builds an object and inserts the object in a list. It's storing a small sample of food contents:

import csv

class Food():
def __init__(self):
self.foodFile = csv.reader(open("FOOD_SHORT.csv", "rb"))
self.foodList = []
self.foodName = ''
self.calories = 0
self.fat = 0
self.carbs = 0

def loadCSV(self):
for row in self.foodFile:
foodObject = Food()
foodObject.setFoodName(row[0]) # Store food name
foodObject.setCalories(int(row[1])) # Convert to int and store calories
foodObject.setCarbs(float(row[3])) # Convert to float and store carbs
self.foodList.append(foodObject) # Store foods in list

def getFoodName(self):
return self.foodName

def getCalories(self):
return self.calories

def getFat(self):
return self.fat

def getCarbs(self):
return self.carbs

def setFoodName(self, food):
self.foodName = food

def setCalories(self, calories):
self.calories = calories

def setFat(self, fat):
self.fat = fat

def setCarbs(self, carbs):
self.carbs = carbs

Here is code to run the class above:

from food import *

n = Food()
for item in n.foodList:
print item.getFoodName()
print "DONE"

I'll also include the CSV file (zipped).

May 25th, 2007, 05:54 PM
I believe the error has nothing to do with reading the file, but actually putting the objects into a list. I can comment out the line:
self.foodList.append(foodObject) and it works. Anyway, that's the update.

May 25th, 2007, 07:55 PM
I figured it out. I created separate classes for the Food object and the Food Database. I think some recursion was going on somewhere causing too many instances to occur.