May 2nd, 2007, 02:00 AM
Good news! We are going to get quite a few Feisty disks from ShipIt. The bad news is I am not sure if they will make it before the InstallFests, but at least we are getting them!!!!!
See the approval below.
"150 CDs requested on 2007-04-25. 50 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2007-04-26. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping."
I am counting this as a good thing since we are not an approved group yet... Once we are approved see what we qualify for below:
Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty CDs
"Free Feisty CDs are available for all APPROVED LoCo teams. We will send you a prepared selection of CDs that form the following mix:
Ubuntu: PC: 200, AMD64: 25
Kubuntu: PC: 30, AMD64: 15
Edubuntu: PC: 30
Please note, we can't allow you to add or remove from this mix - this is a pre-prepared selection and cannot be adjusted."
See the approval below.
"150 CDs requested on 2007-04-25. 50 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2007-04-26. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping."
I am counting this as a good thing since we are not an approved group yet... Once we are approved see what we qualify for below:
Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty CDs
"Free Feisty CDs are available for all APPROVED LoCo teams. We will send you a prepared selection of CDs that form the following mix:
Ubuntu: PC: 200, AMD64: 25
Kubuntu: PC: 30, AMD64: 15
Edubuntu: PC: 30
Please note, we can't allow you to add or remove from this mix - this is a pre-prepared selection and cannot be adjusted."