View Full Version : TeXmacs / packagers

May 1st, 2007, 05:09 PM
Hi everybody,

I had some problems when trying to use TeXmacs and Maxima. I wrote to a TeXmacs forum, and also to one of the TeXmacs developpers. He claims that the problem is on the Ubuntu packagers side, i forward the message at the bottom, as I don't know who may be the right person to send it.

best regards


On Fri, 27 Apr 2007
> I am using Ubuntu 7.04, I have TeXmacs 1.06, and the
> (wx)maxima versions are:
> wxMaxima 0.7.1 http://wxmaxima.sourceforge.net
> Maxima 5.10.0 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
> (This is the message I get when I type wxmaxima in a
> terminal)
> I have edited the tm_maxima file, as suggested in the
> Help -> Manual -> TeXmacs as interface, namley... "
> for Maxima> 5.9-pre, replace -load by -p."
> But things are still not working: When I make Insert
> -> Session -> Maxima, I got the following error
> message: "plug-in 'maxima' not declared".
> I would be really happy if some one could help!

The best solution is to install an up-to-day TeXmacs (the current version
is 1.0.6 is *very* old, much older than maxima-5.10.0 (by the
way, the current version of maxima is 5.11.0, and 5.12.0 will appear
within a few days).

Also, please inform Ubuntu packagers about this problem. They seem to do
their work with TeXmacs very poorly. You are not the first Ubuntu user who
wants to use the TeXmacs-maxima interface but cannot (because the Ubunto
TeXmacs package sucks).
