View Full Version : Do we need a logo ???

April 24th, 2007, 05:43 PM
I was looking at what some of the other LoCo groups have, and came up with this idea, it is by no means a finished and ready to use item, but more of a seed for ideas ...

April 24th, 2007, 06:29 PM
It's cool! I don't know if we really need one yet, but that's the spirit at any rate. Do you know if we are doing the IRC thing on Wednesday or Thursday?

April 24th, 2007, 08:15 PM
It's cool! I don't know if we really need one yet, but that's the spirit at any rate. Do you know if we are doing the IRC thing on Wednesday or Thursday?

April 24th, 2007, 09:31 PM
Hasn't been officially decided yet, but it looks like it is going to be Thursday.

April 25th, 2007, 05:39 PM
I think I'll add a gasoline pump with some dollar signs on it ...

April 25th, 2007, 05:51 PM
Nice .... definitely appropriate!

April 25th, 2007, 06:02 PM
3 McMansions holding hand in a circle (one red, one orange, one yellow)

April 25th, 2007, 10:46 PM
I like Dragonbite's avatar, I say we shake him down for it--hand it over, matey! Remember, this is open source--what's yours is ours...:twisted:

April 26th, 2007, 01:50 PM
I like Dragonbite's avatar, I say we shake him down for it--hand it over, matey! Remember, this is open source--what's yours is ours...:twisted:

I have a friend who is graphic designer - say a word and I ask her to create us a logo.

I think most appropriate would be somehing CT-specific in the center of ubuntu circle. Question is, what is CT-specific. Charter oak? Map? It does not have obvious to non-CT people

IMHO Dragonbite can keep his avatar - we can get CT map in logo-matching color... :-)

Dragonbite, I like the "idea" of your avatar tho.

When googling for Connecticut images, first non-map is Charter oak from the quarter, and state flag. another nice stylized oak (http://www.renosgatheringplace.com/images/RGB%20menu1.gif)

Then, much later, submarines, and this beryl (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.museum.mtu.edu/online_gift_shop/mineral_images/Beryl%2520Connecticut_640.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.museum.mtu.edu/online_gift_shop/specimens_for_collectors.htm&h=703&w=640&sz=117&hl=en&start=375&sig2=jwAYa1QtROJ07PlzEzbKog&um=1&tbnid=9mxodGzqHHbthM:&tbnh=140&tbnw=127&ei=wZcwRuKMLoPIhgTV46i0Aw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dconnecticut%26start%3D360%26ndsp%3D18 %26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefo x-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN) from Haddam - btw it is dirty yellow-greenish color. wikipedia pictures (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beryl) IMHO anything except "the birthplace of George W bush" is fine :twisted:

April 26th, 2007, 04:19 PM
I just threw together my avatar/logo to get something started.

I am thinking that we should start with brain-storming ideas and concepts, an "anything goes" collection of possibilities. Anybody and everybody should consider submitting something, not just artists need apply because this can be just rough ideas which somebody can build further on.

It does not have to be polished or professional looking. Rough lines and off/missing colors and the like are fine, it is the concept that we're looking for in the beginning.

Let's get our brains free-thinking and see what comes out! I think as people start seeing samples, more ideas will come to mind and who knows where we'll end up!

pmasiar, and everybody else, if your graphic artist friend wants to throw some ideas in, great! We may also use him/her to help formalize the chosen design idea too.

Has anybody used ImageShack or know of a good place we could upload images to so that everybody can look through them?

We already have an Ubuntu-Connecticut Google Group (http://groups.google.com/group/ubuntu-connecticut)which, with membership, you are able to upload files. You need a Google account (does not require a Gmail account) to upload but anybody can view the images already uploaded. If you'd rather not bother with another account, email me and I will post it up there for you.

It could be submitted as
Worked in a program such as
for Linux : Gimp, Krita, Inkscape
for Windows: Paint.NET (a good, open source, free, non-Microsoft program and what I used), Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro

Drawn on paper and scanned in
(.jpg, .png or .gif formats)

Typed description
(i.e. "A tree growing out of a silhouette of the state with the ubuntu logo surrounding the trunk")
Ideas on what says "Connecticut"?
Charter Oak
Mystic Seaport & Tall Ships
Husky (UConn)
Sperm Whale (stop giggling.. it's our state animal!)
High Gas/Taxes/House prices
Colonial-type stuff (tri-corner hats, minutemen, muskets)
What does Connecticut tourist material include?
Connecticut Yankee in King Aurthur's Court (or just about anything Mark Twain)
Fall Foliage

April 26th, 2007, 05:38 PM
OK, that's we HAVE to use the Sperm Whale!!!! that's an Awesome idea!!!
And BTW I used Paint.Net for the logo I built also.

April 26th, 2007, 05:53 PM
OK, that's we HAVE to use the Sperm Whale!!!! that's an Awesome idea!!!
And BTW I used Paint.Net for the logo I built also.I hope the Mono group will be able to get a working, up-to-date port of Paint.NET for Linux sometime.

April 26th, 2007, 06:34 PM
OK, that's we HAVE to use the Sperm Whale!!!! that's an Awesome idea!!!
And BTW I used Paint.Net for the logo I built also.

I like sperm whale too. Husky is sooo UCONN, Yalies would ask for ugly bulldog (and call it handsome) :-)

Sperm whale is rather "square-headed", with come luck artist can create whale with looks like CT map (tail toward NYC) - with ubuntu logo as a eye? :-)

Edit: Sperm whale pics - to get you idea what i mean: here1 (http://library.thinkquest.org/2946/spermwhale.htm) - here2 (http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/creatures/pages/spermwhale.html) - here3 (http://www.healthstones.com/ocean_life_store/wild_safari_marine_animals/sperm_whale_calf/sperm_whale_calf.html) - here4[ (http://www.barrysclipart.com/barrysclipart.com/showphoto.php?photo=27073&papass=&sort=1&thecat=149) - here5 (http://www.clipart.com/en/close-up?o=3778461&memlevel=A&a=a&q=whale&k_mode=all&s=13&e=18&show=&c=&cid=&findincat=&g=&cc=&page=3&k_exc=&pubid=) - here6 (http://www.clipart.com/en/close-up?o=467104&memlevel=C&a=a&q=whale&k_mode=all&s=49&e=54&show=&c=&cid=&findincat=&g=&cc=&page=9&k_exc=&pubid=) - here7 (http://www.clipart.com/en/close-up?o=3898419&memlevel=A&a=a&q=whale&k_mode=all&s=49&e=54&show=&c=&cid=&findincat=&g=&cc=&page=9&k_exc=&pubid=) - here8 (http://www.clipart.com/en/close-up?o=3794637&memlevel=A&a=a&q=whale&k_mode=all&s=73&e=78&show=&c=&cid=&findincat=&g=&cc=&page=13&k_exc=&pubid=) - here9 (http://www.clipart.com/en/close-up?o=3898407&memlevel=A&a=a&q=whale&k_mode=all&s=79&e=84&show=&c=&cid=&findincat=&g=&cc=&page=14&k_exc=&pubid=) - here10 (http://www.clipart.com/en/close-up?o=3701551&memlevel=A&a=c&q=sperm&k_mode=&s=7&e=12&show=&c=&cid=&findincat=&g=&cc=&page=2&k_exc=&pubid=) - here11 (http://www.clipart.com/en/close-up?o=2805900&memlevel=C&a=c&q=sperm&k_mode=&s=7&e=12&show=&c=&cid=&findincat=&g=&cc=&page=2&k_exc=&pubid=) - - here12 (http://www.clipart.com/en/close-up?o=3929143&memlevel=A&a=c&q=sperm&k_mode=&s=19&e=24&show=&c=&cid=&findincat=&g=&cc=&page=4&k_exc=&pubid=)

more whales (http://www.clipart.com/en/search/split?page=4&width=600&a=c&b=k&batch=6&sh=&q=sperm&total=41)

April 27th, 2007, 11:16 PM
By the way, I don't want Garlik to think we're ungrateful for his first design. Art by committee is always a contact sport...

One idea that came to me was to use the 3 parts of the Ubuntu "tango" logo to fill in for the 3 grapevines on the Connecticut state seal. Maybe in "kubuntu blue", since we're accustomed to seeing it on blue. Or maybe a blue Kubuntu tango with the grapevines in place of the round heads...

April 30th, 2007, 03:45 AM
No biggie, the pic I threw up is an idea, it is not even close to a finished product.
Let's figgure out what we want on the logo, they we can all start trying to produce finished product.

April 30th, 2007, 03:52 AM
I know I'm not a Connecticut-er at all, but I saw this thread in the New Posts section and decided to have a look.

Keep this in mind when designing a logo: the Ubuntu COF and whatever you add to it cannot be touching at all. This also includes not putting things inside the circle. If the Ubuntu logo overlaps something else, it has to be on top.

The Ohio team had problems with this in the beginning, and we had to fix our logo.

Full details at http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy near the bottom.

-Randomly posting Jacob

April 30th, 2007, 04:00 PM
Thanks for the heads up Jacob, I don't see anything about not putting something inside the circle or keeping the logo on top, but we could still try to keep these as goals for our work in progress ....

April 30th, 2007, 04:24 PM
Thanks for the heads-up! We'll have to look into this carefully. Is there a specific person or persons to contact for approval, or should everything go through trademarks@ubuntu.com ?

I pulled this from the link jacobmp92 supplied (thanks for the link).

From http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy (http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy), emphasis added by me
Logo Usage Guidelines

Our logos are presented in multiple colours and it is important that their visual integrity be maintained. It is therefore preferable that the logos only be used in their standard form but if you should feel the need to alter them in any way you should keep the following guidelines in mind. It should also be borne in mind that the more you wish to vary our logos from their standard form the smaller is the chance that we will be able to approve your proposed use.

If presented in multiple colours, the logo should only use the "official" logo colours
You may use transparency and gradient/depth tools but should retain the “official” colours.
A monotone version may be acceptable in certain situations, if the use requires it (e.g. desktop backgrounds.
Any scaling must retain the original proportions of the logo.
I'm wondering if the current logo (my Avatar) fails on bullet #4 (Any scaling must retain the original proportions of the logo.)?

April 30th, 2007, 08:42 PM
Thanks for the heads-up! We'll have to look into this carefully. Is there a specific person or persons to contact for approval, or should everything go through trademarks@ubuntu.com ?

I pulled this from the link jacobmp92 supplied (thanks for the link).
I'm wondering if the current logo (my Avatar) fails on bullet #4 (Any scaling must retain the original proportions of the logo.)?Your avatar is fine with #4, it's just the unlisted rules (which used to be there at one point. :confused:).

If you contact the trademarks address, you will probably get someone specific to email. You will get more specific usage guidelines. Provide your current logos and ask about them, they'll give you some suggestions. :)


June 13th, 2007, 03:21 AM
I started trying to work on a logo a while ago, but I really like garlik42's whale. Having worked with graphics for a while, I just have a suggestion for whoever designs the final logo. Try creating it in a vector graphics program, such as Inkscape, and saving the original in .svg format. It makes a lot cleaner edges when resizing, and also makes any future editing of the image easy.

November 16th, 2009, 10:17 PM
Its nice logo in ubuntu style.