View Full Version : IRC meeting proposals
April 17th, 2007, 04:51 PM
Here are the simple instructions that Dragonbite figgured out for connecting to the channel.
Worked for me last night, and was easy to get there!
Installed xchat-gnome (using Synaptic, Apt-Get, Adept, whatever)
(may not have to do this, I just uninstalled it because I never used IRC before)
select Connect from the menu
select FreeNode from the list
typed /j #ubuntu-connecticut and hit <Enter>
Viola! I was connected!!
So I propose our first meeting for Thursday 4/19/2007 from 8pm to 9pm (meeting can go longer, but my son will be over and I will be forced to play video games with him :D )
April 17th, 2007, 05:16 PM
Sounds good for me.
Even if people only show up for a few minutes to say "hi" it will be great!
April 17th, 2007, 05:41 PM
I wanted to test some stuff out, but since the FW here at work won't let me, I just installed an IRC server on one of my test boxes (ircd-hybrid) and it really is quite simple to set up the channel change operators etc.
Well, hope we get more than 2 people for our first meeting ....:(
April 17th, 2007, 05:49 PM
The forums seem rather quiet today, maybe everybody got washed way ;)
This is also April vacation week so it could be a number of people (with kids) have gone away? Or is everybody backing up their system so they can install Feisty when it's available (I ordered my CDs!)
Oh, and of course Thursday is going to be a busy day with people downloading Feisty!
April 17th, 2007, 08:47 PM
I've been using feisty for quite a while now, I hate using release code, it's so damb stable.
And as soon as the alpha of Grinning Giraffe is released, I will start working on that ....
I also ordered a set, (the 3 pack, because I run a 64 bit machine and a couple of 32 bit)
But, I will be downloading the DVD with jigdo as soon as it's available also.
Well I guess if everyone is loading feisty, we might not get much action but let's give it a shot ...
Well, I have to act like I'm working for another 45 minutes, ...
April 17th, 2007, 09:41 PM
I'm a Connecticut resident who's been playing around with Ubuntu (Dapper and Feisty beta) as a double boot with WinXp for a couple of months. The Ubuntu forums are a little confusing to navigate, as are the web pages, so I've just found this nice niche for Connecticut folks. Since there are so few of us I'll ramble in a little introduction here so you guys will get a sense of what I'm about.
But first, about your IRC meeting. I'm a pretty proficient Win user at work and home, but honestly I've had no time to play around with stuff like RSS and IRC, and won't for a while now, so coming to this forum (or emailing/phoning/visiting) is more realistic for me. My first priority is getting my laptop to access the web wirelessly under Feisty, then I'll worry about IRC. We'll see by this weekend.
PS, when you go to download, I've found that the Australian and South African sites have very little traffic. Bittorrent is another thing I haven't had time to play with, so I just hit the "download" button and walk away for an hour...
I work at one of the CSU's and have excellent end-user knowledge of WinXP and Microsoft Office. I've read several books on Ubuntu, WinxP, and Mac OS and have a good grasp of end-user functionality but I'm not a programmer. While I like Windows I'm not happy with Microsoft's high-handedness in offering bloated Vista and expecting us to eat out of their hand, and Ubuntu has been a pleasant surprise, so I'm thinking us non-programmers might be able to make our contribution by doing some outreach (drop off free disks at libraries and community centers, set up tables at flea markets and computer shows, do show-and-tells for school computer clubs, etc.); the "Johnny Appleseed" approach. If anybody's up for that, or if there's a regional group that's coordinating that kind of thing, start a string or contact me (I've set my profile to allow contacts). :)
April 20th, 2007, 01:14 AM
My clock says 8:16pm and I'm at #ubuntu-connecticut.
April 20th, 2007, 08:20 PM
Well, I guess our first IRC meeting was at least a partial success ...
Dragonbite was on time, and launched the meeting.
I joined in around 8:30 and we chatted for about an hour about "stuff"
Maybe the next meeting we can get a couple more people !!
April 21st, 2007, 04:37 AM
I would've jumped in, but I was so caught up with Feisty goodness that it completely slipped my mind! =(
April 23rd, 2007, 09:11 PM
Second official #ubuntu-connecticut IRC meeting.
I propose our second meeting for either Thursday 9pm or Wendsday 9pm.
Anyone interested ?? The last meeting was pretty much a meet and greet, which is all I am expecting for our second meeting. Maybe if we get a couple of people showing up, we can discuss some form of face to face meeting for the summer .....
April 23rd, 2007, 09:33 PM
I'm in. I use Ubuntu at both home and work. 9pm is perfect for me either night.
April 24th, 2007, 12:58 AM
I'd prefer Thursday, as I'd be a bit late to a meeting on Wednesday.
April 24th, 2007, 07:37 PM
Second official #ubuntu-connecticut IRC meeting.
I propose our second meeting for either Thursday 9pm or Wendsday 9pm.
Wednesday(25th) is totally out for me, but Thursday (26th) should work.
April 24th, 2007, 08:18 PM
Thursday at 9:00 is good for me!
April 24th, 2007, 08:22 PM
Thu is fine.
April 25th, 2007, 03:21 PM
Well it looks like Thursday at 9pm it is.
Whomever get's there first, turn on the lights ....
April 25th, 2007, 04:06 PM
YOu've gottal ive in connecticut to attend ?
April 25th, 2007, 05:19 PM
YOu've gottal ive in connecticut to attend ?
I am not CT LoCo admin, but I believe it is safe to say: "Surely no - you are welcome to come in, please do!" if you want to attend nobody will turn you away :-)
And it is virtual, so how are we going to tell if you are in CT or not? As the saying goes: on internet nobody cares if you are dog... or nutmegger, or any other form of sentient being :-) Broadband is the only thing which counts!
Just curious: why you want to join CT LoCo team? Any deep links to CT? Relatives in CT? Plans to relocate? Study?
April 25th, 2007, 05:27 PM
I am also curious as to why you wish to attend the CT meeting, but as far as I'm concerned anyone who isn't a jerk or a flamer is welcome.
And also, there are no requirements of sentience, all beings sentient or not are welcome. Of course it will be helpful if you exist on the same plane of existence as everyone else in the group ...
April 25th, 2007, 05:31 PM
(pmasiar, you beat me to the post :) )
Sure, come and join us. The only thing that may get confusing is if we keep passing references of places/locations/events in the state unless you have some sort of connection to the state (lived here, school, friends/family, etc.).
I'm curious too about what your interest in CT Loco is too, but that shouldn't stop you from attending.
I've just posted the meeting schedule in a couple places for those people not watching this Thread and/or Forum yet.
April 25th, 2007, 10:53 PM
I think we all know the rule instinctively, wink wink, that anybody who phones in from tropical paradises like Jamaica gets to host the live meeting (and put us up at your house)...:mrgreen:
April 26th, 2007, 03:15 AM
I think we all know the rule instinctively, wink wink, that anybody who phones in from tropical paradises like Jamaica gets to host the live meeting (and put us up at your house)...:mrgreen:and supply the good Rum!:guitar:
May 3rd, 2007, 05:19 PM
Since we are all trying to be informal and all, and no IRC meeting was scheduled ...
I will be popping in around 8:30 (unless I fall asleep again) for a hour or so.
If anyone wants to join in, please stop by.
The rules:
It is preferred (but not required) that you are some form of carbon based life, you do not have to be from Connecticut or live in Connecticut.
All are welcome.
IRC Channel : (on FreeNode ( IRC) #ubuntu-connecticut @ 8:30pm for about an hour.
We have not had any official topics for the other meetings, but one I would really like to discuss, is software development under linux (if nobody else has any ideas ...)
May 3rd, 2007, 06:18 PM
Thank you Garlik42 for stepping up for scheduling this meeting.
Yes, this meeting will be fairly informal. We may be a little bit more formal with regularly scheduled meetings, but nothing anybody should be afraid of.
chances are a popular subject may include (or may not)
the Dell-Ubuntu announcement
Feisty Fawn upgrades/experiences
Scot's growing his own PCs (on a plantation or your own greenhouse ;) )
hey.. just realized the apt reference ... Scot(ts) growing? Isn't there a Scott's lawn care fertilizer/seed/etc?
suggestions for the Team (projects, web hosts, duties, etc.)
future IRC schedule (referencing the forum posting (
Summertime plans
Beer (as in Free)...
cost of ga$
Also, be aware that people pop into the IRC channel even when there are no set meetings. Jay (jbloudg20?), please correct me if I am wrong, had/helped get our IRC channel "registered" so it cannot be deleted (I am not sure if I am saying this correctly) and I just wanted to recognize that.
May 3rd, 2007, 07:03 PM
I think we should have one planned meeting a month, and let the inbetween ones just kind of float IE if you build it AND they come, you have a meeting.
Another topic, we could have:
What to call the next version (past gutsy gibbon)
I like Heinous Heyena or Happy Hippo ....
May 3rd, 2007, 10:12 PM
Guys ... really sorry but I can't do it tonight. My old college roommate is in town and I will be in the city with him these evening. Kind of a bummer because I wanted to talk about the Feisty upgrade here at the "plantation" - it's almost done.
May 8th, 2007, 05:44 PM
I think it's time to schedule another meeting! It is hopefully far enough in advance for people to plan for it. If you have a problem making the meeting, please let us know and we can see about an alternative.
Where: #ubuntu-connecicut
Date : Thursday May 17th
Time : 9:00pm (+/-)
Possible Agenda:
Deciding on an IRC meeting schedule (view poll (
Discussing the Outreach Project (
Possibilities of a Face-to-face meeting session
Using the Projects ( Wiki page
Anybody with some additional subjects, please feel free to suggest them. I am estimating 15-30 minutes per subject but if things get heated enough any one subject may take the whole night!
May 8th, 2007, 06:17 PM
Sounds cool! I have it booked in my calender.
May 9th, 2007, 01:14 AM
I think it's time to schedule another meeting! It is hopefully far enough in advance for people to plan for it. If you have a problem making the meeting, please let us know and we can see about an alternative.
Where: #ubuntu-connecicut
Date : Thursday May 17th
Time : 9:00pm (+/-)
I'll be there.
May 17th, 2007, 06:30 PM
Remember, tonight is the meeting so long as somebody has electricity and didn't get blown away by last night's storm! ;)
I think it's time to schedule another meeting! It is hopefully far enough in advance for people to plan for it. If you have a problem making the meeting, please let us know and we can see about an alternative.
Where: #ubuntu-connecicut
Date : Thursday May 17th
Time : 9:00pm (+/-)
Possible Agenda:
Deciding on an IRC meeting schedule (view poll (
Discussing the Outreach Project (
Possibilities of a Face-to-face meeting session
Using the Projects ( Wiki page
Anybody with some additional subjects, please feel free to suggest them. I am estimating 15-30 minutes per subject but if things get heated enough any one subject may take the whole night!
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