View Full Version : Good Evenin SoCalians!!!

April 11th, 2007, 10:16 PM
Just wanted to say HI! and post my first post to say hey to all you gnarly SoCal Ubuntians! Let's have a ubuntu party - I'm suppling the beer to anyone (over 21 years old) that can help me get this darn MPlayer installed - I can't seem to get access to my sources.list file, and yes, I've tried the chmod, it won't let me do that either. :confused:

Other than that, got it doing everything else I need, Ubuntu rocks! :guitar:

May 5th, 2007, 12:52 AM
Just go to Synaptic and click on settings pane, then repositories then the 3d party software tab. After that click on add in the bottom left corner.

May 5th, 2007, 07:50 AM
Don't chmod, use sudo to open the editor. chmodding (and chowning) is the best way to break things.

`sudo nano /path/to/file` or `gksu "gedit /path/to/file"`

But yeah, you don't need to edit those files manually: