View Full Version : Python and glade...argh?!?! Can anyone help me... :(

April 9th, 2007, 10:10 PM
I am trying to make something that will rip dvds based on quickrip. This is my first ever python project, it's just something to try and help me learn it. I have followed numerous tutorials and learnt a lot today, but one thing I can't seem to get working is setting properties of gtk elements.

For example, when I click a button, I can get the code to recognise this and display an output to the terminal, but I can't get it to move a progress bar, or display something in a status bar.

I have the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Various stuff from quickrip
from __future__ import generators
from time import sleep
import sys, os, re, popen2, ConfigParser, copy, threading, thread
import config # ViciousRip global configuration

import sys
import pygtk
import gtk
import gtk.glade

# ViciousRip global configuration.
import config

__app__ = config.app
__author__ = config.author
__version__ = config.version
__date__ = config.date
__copyright__ = config.copyright
__license__ = config.license

import mmpython
print "*** FATAL ERROR: Can't import mmpython!"

class ViciousRip:
"""ViciousRip base class, including the following methods:
initialise - replaces the __init__ function which is overwritten with inheritance
loadConfig - loads the user configuration file
cautiousLoad - loads a config variable in an exception clause
findProgram - takes a program name, returns the full path
calcRate - calculates a video bitrate from length, abr and file size
calcFileSize - calculates file size from length, abr and video bitrate
run - runs & handles a specified program as a new threaded pipe
kill_pipe - kill a spawned threaded pipe
scanDVD - get DVD information into data structures
- includes several Total_ methods
ripDVD - rip DVD titles based on data structures
- includes many codec-specific methods
notify_* - inheritable UI hooks

def __init__(self):
"""Replace this with your own init, but include the one line in your own"""

def initialise(self):
"""the 'actual' init function"""
self.cwd = os.getcwd()
self.state = "still"
self.numtitles = 0
self.titles = []
self.configfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".viciousriprc")
#Set the Glade file
#to delete hopefully: GLADE_FILE = "viciousrip2.glade"
#to delete hopefully: glade = gtk.glade.XML(GLADE_FILE,"statusbar1")
self.gladefile = "viciousrip2.glade"
self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML(self.gladefile)
#Status bar
self.statusbar = gtk.glade.XML("viciousrip2.glade","statusbar").get_widget("statusbar")
self.progressbar = gtk.glade.XML("viciousrip2.glade","progressbar").get_widget("progressbar")
#Create dictionay and connect it
dic = {
"on_openiso_clicked" : self.notyetimplemented,
"on_convert_clicked" : self.notyetimplemented,
"on_viciousrip_destroy" : gtk.main_quit,
"on_opendvd_clicked" : self.scanDVD }

def notyetimplemented(self, widget):
print "Not yet implemented!"
context_id = self.statusbar.get_context_id("notyetimplemented")
self.statusbar.push(context_id, "Say something please...")
print context_id
def loadConfig(self):
"""Load user configuration file"""
self.config = {}
self.parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
if not os.path.isfile(self.configfile):
cfg = open(self.configfile, 'w')
cfg = open(self.configfile, 'r')

code continues...

Can anyone see where I'm going wrong? There must be something wrong here:

def notyetimplemented(self, widget):
print "Not yet implemented!"
context_id = self.statusbar.get_context_id("notyetimplemented")
self.statusbar.push(context_id, "Say something please...")
print context_id

But I don't know what :(

April 9th, 2007, 10:59 PM
I am trying to make something that will rip dvds based on quickrip. This is my first ever python project, it's just something to try and help me learn it. I have followed numerous tutorials and learnt a lot today, but one thing I can't seem to get working is setting properties of gtk elements.

For example, when I click a button, I can get the code to recognise this and display an output to the terminal, but I can't get it to move a progress bar, or display something in a status bar.

I have the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Various stuff from quickrip
from __future__ import generators
from time import sleep
import sys, os, re, popen2, ConfigParser, copy, threading, thread
import config # ViciousRip global configuration

import sys
import pygtk
import gtk
import gtk.glade

# ViciousRip global configuration.
import config

__app__ = config.app
__author__ = config.author
__version__ = config.version
__date__ = config.date
__copyright__ = config.copyright
__license__ = config.license

import mmpython
print "*** FATAL ERROR: Can't import mmpython!"

class ViciousRip:
"""ViciousRip base class, including the following methods:
initialise - replaces the __init__ function which is overwritten with inheritance
loadConfig - loads the user configuration file
cautiousLoad - loads a config variable in an exception clause
findProgram - takes a program name, returns the full path
calcRate - calculates a video bitrate from length, abr and file size
calcFileSize - calculates file size from length, abr and video bitrate
run - runs & handles a specified program as a new threaded pipe
kill_pipe - kill a spawned threaded pipe
scanDVD - get DVD information into data structures
- includes several Total_ methods
ripDVD - rip DVD titles based on data structures
- includes many codec-specific methods
notify_* - inheritable UI hooks

def __init__(self):
"""Replace this with your own init, but include the one line in your own"""

def initialise(self):
"""the 'actual' init function"""
self.cwd = os.getcwd()
self.state = "still"
self.numtitles = 0
self.titles = []
self.configfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".viciousriprc")
#Set the Glade file
#to delete hopefully: GLADE_FILE = "viciousrip2.glade"
#to delete hopefully: glade = gtk.glade.XML(GLADE_FILE,"statusbar1")
self.gladefile = "viciousrip2.glade"
self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML(self.gladefile)
#Status bar
self.statusbar = gtk.glade.XML("viciousrip2.glade","statusbar").get_widget("statusbar")
self.progressbar = gtk.glade.XML("viciousrip2.glade","progressbar").get_widget("progressbar")
#Create dictionay and connect it
dic = {
"on_openiso_clicked" : self.notyetimplemented,
"on_convert_clicked" : self.notyetimplemented,
"on_viciousrip_destroy" : gtk.main_quit,
"on_opendvd_clicked" : self.scanDVD }

def notyetimplemented(self, widget):
print "Not yet implemented!"
context_id = self.statusbar.get_context_id("notyetimplemented")
self.statusbar.push(context_id, "Say something please...")
print context_id
def loadConfig(self):
"""Load user configuration file"""
self.config = {}
self.parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
if not os.path.isfile(self.configfile):
cfg = open(self.configfile, 'w')
cfg = open(self.configfile, 'r')

code continues...

Can anyone see where I'm going wrong? There must be something wrong here:

def notyetimplemented(self, widget):
print "Not yet implemented!"
context_id = self.statusbar.get_context_id("notyetimplemented")
self.statusbar.push(context_id, "Say something please...")
print context_id

But I don't know what :(

It's not the callback, the problem lies here:

#Status bar
self.statusbar = gtk.glade.XML("viciousrip2.glade","statusbar").get_widget("statusbar")
self.progressbar = gtk.glade.XML("viciousrip2.glade","progressbar").get_widget("progressbar")

it should be

#Status bar
self.statusbar = self.wTree.get_widget("statusbar")
self.progressbar = self.wTree.get_widget("progressbar")

April 9th, 2007, 11:07 PM
IT WORKS!!!! Thank you so much! :) :) :)