View Full Version : Pymusique disaster

June 3rd, 2005, 11:35 PM
so I installed pymusique finally, but in the process broke mplayer. for some reason i had to unistall mplayer and now I can't install it back anyone has beign able to install pymusique and mplayer together. or at least how can I undo watheve i did before so I can get mplayer back this is the formu where i got the instructions
All replies are greatly apreciated.

June 4th, 2005, 08:34 AM
so I installed pymusique finally, but in the process broke mplayer. for some reason i had to unistall mplayer and now I can't install it back anyone has beign able to install pymusique and mplayer together. or at least how can I undo watheve i did before so I can get mplayer back this is the formu where i got the instructions
All replies are greatly apreciated.
Talk about your bug with Amaranth, its creator. http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?userid=11397