View Full Version : Latest VLC nightlies for Windows are busted.

March 23rd, 2007, 03:02 AM
Latest VLC nightlies on Windows are busted, I noticed this when I tried to pull the 0.9 trunk build for today (22nd of March).

Appears to be a problem with the QT toolkit build, from what I saw though the new interface looks wickedly cool, I can't wait to see it in action, I tried the build on XP SP2 and Windows Vista, and it didn't work on either one of them.

I'm hoping to see VLC become the de facto standard for media players, and hopefully companies like Dell and HP can start bundling it with new computers instead of Real and iTunes along with their various craplets.

March 23rd, 2007, 03:21 AM
Though I'm a Gnome user, and try to use only GTK apps, I don't think I'll mind a VLC as a Qt app. I never really liked the way WxGTK apps look and feel, and VLC was no exception.

So, yeah, I'm interested in seeing what results.