View Full Version : Team Meetings
February 4th, 2007, 02:26 AM
We will be meeting each Thursday night at 8:00PM EST in #ubuntu-ky on We will also be having "Real world meetings" soon but the time, date and place has yet to be decided upon.
If you miss a meeting you can review the logs by going to
I will try to post meeting topics and dates and also any changes here and also in a mailing to the mailing list.
If you have never used irc before and have questions about how to get connected let us know and we will be glad to help you out. Our goal is to have as many people involved as possible.
February 7th, 2007, 04:32 AM
Meeting topics for Feb 8th 2007
1) Report on the Charity Project (
2) Getting and distributing CDs.
3) Gaining new members.
4) Anything else that I have missed.
Just like item 4 says, if I have missed something that you would like to discuss, bring it up at the meeting. It may be a good idea to post the topic to the mailing list so that we have a heads up. I hope that all of you can make it. If you know someone that may be interested in seeing what the team / Linux is all about feel free to invite them along as well.
Logs are online now at
February 11th, 2007, 10:25 PM
new to linux, just loaded it and learning how to use it. Located in Lexington KY. If you need any help let me know!
February 12th, 2007, 06:05 AM
Ok, I have never used a IRC. I would like to know what was is. Thanks. :)
February 12th, 2007, 04:16 PM
For more information on using IRC please look here
February 15th, 2007, 02:12 PM
Meeting topics for Feb 15th.
1) Web site news.
2) Planning an install fest / Feisty release party.
3) CD distribution.
4) Update on Charity project.
As always, if I have missed anything at all that you would like to discuss let us know. You can either add to this thread or just bring it up in the meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone there.
Logs are now uploaded to
March 1st, 2007, 06:41 PM
Meeting March 1st 2007
The topics for the evening are:
1) Status update on domain name registration
2) Status update on charity project
3) Report on contact with UKLUG
4) Discuss meet and greet, release & key signing party, upcoming events
5) Discuss suggestion of moving meetings to bi-weekly
Logs online now at
March 6th, 2007, 08:12 PM
Topics for the evening are IRC meeting this Thursday at 8:00PM EST.
1) Are we ready to go for approval?
2) We have a web site now!!! How do we want to use it???
3) Goals for sub-teams.
Logs posted now at
March 14th, 2007, 08:10 PM
Regular team meeting in #ubuntu-kentucky on at 8:00PM.
The meeting this week is going to revolve around getting some of the things that are listed on our approval application completed. I think that we have some great plans, now it is time to implement them. Here is a link to the application According to Jono we are doing a good job but we need to have a little more experience before we go for before the CC.
1) Install Fest
A) What kind of presentations (if any) do we want to do?
a) How many presentations should we do?
b) Who will be the presenters?
c) If we are having presentations then we need to have them done
by the dry run so that we can polish them a little.
B) When are we going to have the live version?
2) Release Party
A) Where are we going to hold it?
a) Do we want to make it regional (Lexington, Louisville, etc)?
B) What do we want to do there?
C) How do we get the word out about it?
a) We could post it on the Wiki (but how many will see it?).
b) We could make flyers to hand out. (any graphic artists on the team?)
Please add to this list if there is something that you feel that needs
to be discussed.
Logs posted now at
March 23rd, 2007, 05:25 PM
Forgot to add the meeting info for March 22nd so here it is (only a day late).
Topics for the evening are:
1) IRL Meetings (discussion so far at (
2) Wiki updates.
3) Install Fest cont.
4) News from sabdfl :)
Logs are uploaded to
March 30th, 2007, 02:41 AM
Topics for the evening are:
1) Team projects.
a) User Support
b) Welcome Packets
c) Custom CD
2) Install Fest cont.
Logs are uploaded to
April 4th, 2007, 04:39 PM
We are having our regular IRC meeting in #ubuntu-kentucky on this Thursday but it will be at 9:00PM EST. It should be a short meeting this week.
Topics for the evening are:
1) Install Fest discussion.
a) Dry Run report.
b) Date and time of Live Event.
2) Custom Artwork.
April 5th, 2007, 02:10 AM
I will try to make it tomorrow night.
April 11th, 2007, 01:41 PM
Topics for the April 12th meeting are:
Install Fest
What still needs to be done?
Who is going to do it?
I think that with the Install Fest being just 10 days away we need to spend the majority of our meeting time on it.
Logs online at
April 13th, 2007, 08:12 PM
sorry to have missed the meeting. Wife demanded attention (read: had to go to Lexington at the last minute, and didn't make it back until it was too late)
April 18th, 2007, 02:54 AM
We are having our regular IRC meeting in #ubuntu-kentucky on this Thursday at 8:00 EST.
Topics for the evening are:
1) We are an Official Team now \o/.
2) Install Fest
a) Final plans
I think that with the Install Fest being just 4 days away we need to
spend the majority of our meeting time on it.
Logs online at
April 26th, 2007, 02:02 AM
We are having our regular IRC meeting in #ubuntu-kentucky on this Thursday at 8:00 EST.
1) We are approved, the Install Fest and Release Party are done, now what?
a) What kinds of projects do we want to tackle next?
b) We can request a domain name now. What do we want to see on it?
c) Where do we stand on the Charity Project?
d) When do we want to do another Install Fest?
Logs online now (sorry for the delay) -
May 3rd, 2007, 05:14 PM
Meeting topics for May 3rd are:
Web site ideas
Charity Project update
As always, if I have missed anything at all that you would like to
discuss let us know. You can either add to this thread or just bring
it up in the meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone there. Bring
a friend too.
Logs online at
May 10th, 2007, 01:59 AM
Meeting topics for May 10th:
Web site additions
Charity Project machines, we have some now :)
Who is interested in helping to get an the OS on these boxes?
We have Feisty CDs
Who would like some to have to hand out?
What is the most effective way of getting them to you?
Logs online @
May 16th, 2007, 04:57 PM
Meeting topics for May 17th.
Web updates
Wiki updates
Charity updates
Advocacy ideas
What can we do that we are not already doing?
What are we doing that we can do better?
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