View Full Version : Python Script Repostitory

February 2nd, 2007, 01:56 PM
I'm at the very early stages of the Python learning curve. So far, lots of fun. What I'm looking for is a good repository(s) for basic Python scripts (immitation is a higher form of flattery). I'm not technically ready to look at and understand the code of full-blown apps yet. Would be interested in examing code for some of the basics like, file/folder browser, different flavors of Python with GUI (basic form entry), any simple porting to various dbs etc.

I've done the usual compliment of "searches" and haven't come up with much. Recommendation much appreciated.



February 2nd, 2007, 02:03 PM
I'm at the very early stages of the Python learning curve. So far, lots of fun. What I'm looking for is a good repository(s) for basic Python scripts (immitation is a higher form of flattery). I'm not technically ready to look at and understand the code of full-blown apps yet.

Tim, your approach (to look at cookbook examples) is very smart.

search for "python cookbook"