View Full Version : Simple Question about C programming and ASCII characters

December 20th, 2006, 08:59 AM
I'm using a bash shell in a gnome terminal. I am trying to start a little bit of C programming. I can't seem to get the british pound symbols and japanese yen symbols to output correctly.

Here is the code that I am working with

#include <stdio.h>

#define POUNDS 0x9c
#define YEN 0x9e

int main()
float amount,bp,jy;
float d2p = 0.5407; /*dollars per pound*/
float d2y = 107.79; /*dollars per yen*/

printf("Enter the amount in dollars: $");
scanf("%f", &amount);
bp = amount * d2p;
jy = amount * d2y;
puts("Currency Conversion:");

December 20th, 2006, 12:02 PM
The ASCII charset defines characters from 0 - 127 . The characters after that are dependent on the codepage you are using . When you will run the above program with codepage set IBM850 you can see a pound sign appearing in the gnome-terminal window. Don't use the ASCII values above 127. In the attached image you can see that.

December 23rd, 2006, 02:12 AM
It's worse than that. I don't know about yen, but in ASCII, the UK pound sign is a national variant option that may be displayed differently by different display terminals.

However, I believe that gnome-terminal displays unicode. The unicode values are 0xa3 and 0xa5. Of course, any code you write that assumes gnome-terminal and used those values won't display right to other terminals such as ASCII ones.