View Full Version : Python Spam Filter Help

December 12th, 2006, 11:46 PM
hi there. i have an small exercise to write a basic spam filter but im stuck on some stuff


import getpass, imaplib, string
from StringIO import StringIO

# getBody - strips of the header from an email message
# Only the body of the message is returned.

def getBody(message):
seenStart = 0
for line in StringIO(message).readlines():
l = string.strip(line)
if (seenStart == 1):
body = body + "\n" + l
elif l == "":
seenStart = 1
return body

# getField - returns the field value "field" in the header
# section of the message

def getField(message, field):
for line in StringIO(message).readlines():
l = string.strip(line)
if (string.find(l, field) != -1):
words = string.split(l, field)
return words[1]
return "unknown"

# containsTag - returns TRUE if an html tag <'t' is found

def containsTag(l, t):
return ((string.find(l, "<" + t) != -1) or
(string.find(l, "</" + t) != -1))

# isSpam - returns 1 if the message looks like spam
# returns 0 if the message looks ok

def isSpam(message):
total = 0
htmlFound = 0
for line in StringIO(getBody(message)).readlines():
print line
# incomplete and at the moment everything is treated as
# non spam
return 0

# postEmail - sends message to the smtp port

def postEmail(message):
print "message from", getField(message, "From:")
print "subject is", getField(message, "Subject:")
# incomplete

# handleEmail - tests whether the message is spam or not.
# If spam then it adds it to a file
# otherwise post it to the smtp port

def handleEmail(message):
if (isSpam(message)):
print "message is spam"
print "message is good"
# incomplete

# collectEmail - retrieves the email from the imap server

def collectEmail():
m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('url here')
m.login(getpass.getuser(), getpass.getpass())
typ, data = m.search(None, 'ALL')
print data
for num in string.split(data[0]):
print num
typ, data = m.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')


the methods i have to complete are listed below.

def isSpam(message):
def postEmail(message):
def handleEmail(message):

basically i have to check each line of the email and if html > 60% of the email then it is considerd as SPAM .

ive started some of the missing codes but i dont know how to finish them off. any help is apprechiated. thanks alot

December 13th, 2006, 06:30 AM
I know of this spam filter written in Python. Perhaps looking at the source will help. http://spambayes.sourceforge.net