View Full Version : installing UML editor for eclipse 3.2

December 6th, 2006, 05:35 PM

After visting the following site: http://www.eclipseuml.com/ i have downloaded the free uml editor. And have attempted to follow the instructions.

When I use the command

java -jar eclipseUML_E320_freeEdition_2.1.0.20061006.jar

I get a pop up window, looks like an application launcher, with a generic icon and a title saying "Language selection" there is no content and no control buttons along the bottom, eg no back, next, cancel the usuals one expects. The whole things sits there and does jack all.

After looking at the system resource manager i have isolated the process and it says gij-4.1 sleeping 41.7 MiB

Any help would be apprectiated as i have switched to linux for a big project and can't start without half decent UML.

Thanks in advance


December 15th, 2006, 04:18 PM

if u still have probs with eclipse try bouml,an excellent app,