View Full Version : Jono Bacon interviewed by BehindUbuntu

November 23rd, 2006, 04:40 PM
http://fridge.ubuntu.com/files/jono-bacon.jpgJust what is Ubuntu’s Community Manager hiding behind that beard?
Find out in BehindUbuntu’s revealing interview (http://behindubuntu.org/interviews/JonoBacon/) with our very own man of metal, Jono Bacon.
Learn of his love for Florida, Sausage Dogs and bash.org (http://www.bash.org/)! Open your mouth wide in shock as he slips in a full two sentences pimping Jokosher!
You can also find out about Jono’s views on:

LoCo team mentoring - successful teams help newer teams get up and running;
The importance of karma-style systems;
Clear communication as the basis of good community.Meet the man behind the beard, in BehundUbuntu’s interview with Jono Bacon (http://behindubuntu.org/interviews/JonoBacon/).

More... (http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/650)