View Full Version : Google isn't always helpful

October 25th, 2006, 04:03 AM
I have from time to time searched Google for Linux information. And I am frustrated at the amount of junk that comes up for me. I know that Google doesn't always give out the same results to each user, but I keep getting junk that is way too old. How is a user to understand what it going on? Maybe my search terms are too generic and therefore old, as in the days before Linux had such a embedded new lingo.

Google as you might know recently released a new service, kinda, where people can create their own custom search engines (www.google.com/coop), ignoring stuff that isn't useful or out of date.

Could we have some admin here set up a basic search engine and users submit websites in batch format that are REALLY Linux useful and the Admin just copy and paste them into Google and us bone headed newbies can use the custom search focused on "real useful up to date linux/ubuntu data".

Just a suggestion...from a newbie.

October 25th, 2006, 04:06 AM
I just do Google searches like the following:
site:ubuntuforums.org name of my problem

October 25th, 2006, 04:06 AM
I think that would be yet another great project for Ubuntu and its community. I don't have a Google account, so I haven't really investigated this, but I'm all for it if someone is willing to make the effort.

And, yes, Google is slowly going downhill in terms of finding good, textual information. Believe it or not, I use MSN for textual information and Google for images. They both shine on one and suck at the other.

Also, there is a Google Linux search that only searches sites for Linux information. It is quite a bit better... you can find it by choosing More->Even More->Specialized Searches->Linux from the Google home page.

October 25th, 2006, 04:09 AM
you could try this -

or this is good too for alot of things -

October 25th, 2006, 04:15 AM
I have from time to time searched Google for Linux information. And I am frustrated at the amount of junk that comes up for me. I know that Google doesn't always give out the same results to each user, but I keep getting junk that is way too old. How is a user to understand what it going on? Maybe my search terms are too generic and therefore old, as in the days before Linux had such a embedded new lingo.

Google as you might know recently released a new service, kinda, where people can create their own custom search engines (http://www.google.com/coop), ignoring stuff that isn't useful or out of date.

Could we have some admin here set up a basic search engine and users submit websites in batch format that are REALLY Linux useful and the Admin just copy and paste them into Google and us bone headed newbies can use the custom search focused on "real useful up to date linux/ubuntu data".

Just a suggestion...from a newbie.

try YubNub (http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geuqne1T5Frm4BoXZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE2bzdwMmV lBGNvbG8DZQRsA1dTMQRwb3MDMQRzZWMDc3IEdnRpZANGODI1X zc1/SIG=11a1ob2hm/EXP=1161832286/**http%3a//www.yubnub.org/)

type: GYM "search word" in YubNub to do a triple screen search between Google, Yahoo!, and MSN

or type: s.i "image search word" for a super image search between Google, Yahoo!, and flicker

(or try a metasearch engine likeWebCrawler (http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geuseO1T5FtigAxrZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE2bzdwMmV lBGNvbG8DZQRsA1dTMQRwb3MDMQRzZWMDc3IEdnRpZANGODI1X zc1/SIG=11e38n8as/EXP=1161832206/**http%3a//www.webcrawler.com/))

October 25th, 2006, 04:26 AM
i just remembered about these search engines -

http://www.gooyaglehoo.com/ split screen google/yahoo

how to search the hidden web lol

and this, which has been beta for ages :rolleyes:

and there's this too, which doesn't do much apart from speak :)

October 25th, 2006, 04:38 AM
and this, which has been beta for ages :rolleyes:

i haven't really used this before, but it looks quite good. when the results come up there's a bar you can move to change the results to your liking. if you search linux, then move the slider over to the right, it changes the top result from -
www.linux.com to
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux to
www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html then

and all the other results below change too :-k

October 25th, 2006, 07:12 AM
Seems like the experts don't care for the idea because they already know all the top websites and searches.

Maybe the newbies like it more. Unsure. Good thread to help people find information.

I know about "site:ubuntuforums.org issue" in Google but don't use it much.

October 25th, 2006, 09:06 AM
I just use the forums search, but then I don't have to worry about fancy proprietary drivers :)

October 25th, 2006, 12:55 PM
I started this (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=283448), direct link in sig