View Full Version : Wiki faq conversion -- need perl help

April 9th, 2005, 12:04 PM
The comments in the Wiki FAQ page ( http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions ) say it needs to be converted to moin format.

So... I made a perl script that in theory would do this.

It works, except the output is all wrong ;) -- seriously though, reading the markup from a local file works, and it creates a data structure which can then be run through and printed off into moin format. But really weird things are happening to the output. I suspect this is a to do with me being on windows and the source from the wiki having unix line endings.

Could someone who's better at perl than I am take a look please?


# convert ubuntu wiki faq to moin
use warnings;
use File::Slurp;

#$\ = "\n";
$n = "\n";


$text = read_file( 'wikifaq.txt' );
open OUTPUT, '>wikifaqmoin.txt';


@items = $text =~ m[^\.\. \|(\w+)\|.*replace::\s*(.*)$]mg;

while (@items) {
my $code = shift @items;
my $question = shift @items;
(my $answer) = $text =~ m[\|$code\|\s*\n-+\s*\n(.*?)\s*^\|]ms;

$faqs{$code} = {
question => $question,
answer => $answer,


($toc) = $text =~ m[^Questions...\s*^-+\s*\n(.*?)^-]ms;

for (split "\n", $toc) {
/^\* \*\*(.*)\*\*/ and do {
# heading
print OUTPUT "== $1 ==\n";
/^ - \|(.*)\|_/ and do {
# question
print OUTPUT '===', $faqs{$1}->{question}, '===';
print OUTPUT $faqs{$1}->{answer};


April 9th, 2005, 05:13 PM
Getting the same errors on ubuntu.

Turns out my text document was somehow full of control characters... :-s

Fixing it now...