July 3rd, 2024, 09:36 AM
I have a Galaxy Note 10 and I just ended my phone service with AT&T. It seems that now that I don't have phone service the battery life is horrible. I believe its because the phone is constantly trying to find a Cellular signal which is continuously running down the battery. I attempted to install GraphenOS as a replacement OS and I was unsuccessful. I kept getting stuck at the Blue Screen that said Downloading when I tried to reboot. I guess what I'm trying to find out is if it's possible to have a OS like a GraphenOS or something similar on this device? I really just want to use the device as a Camera and MP3 player but its important I can have the best battery life possible. I don't want to have to keep charging it twice a day like I have to do now since I ended phone service. Your recommendations are greatly appreciated.