May 7th, 2024, 06:40 PM
Yesterday came across a YouTube video about CSI Linux which is supposedly based on Ubuntu. It is a cyber security OS. So my options are Install CSI as another OS and tri boot with Windows, Ubuntu and CSI Linux. Another option is to install and run it in a virtual machine. Thought of something interesting as I have an old Sata 500GB SSD laying around and can install it in my laptop as it has a 1TB M.2 and a 1TB HHD just sitting blank in it. I thought it might be possible to install it and use it for installing and running the Virtual Machine. The last option is to get a package list of essential cyber security packages to install in Ubuntu. Lastly not doing this for hacking but if I ever did I would be on the White Hat side of things. I just want to play with it to learn stuff.