View Full Version : A special Ubuntu version, maximum security.

September 1st, 2006, 11:43 AM
Yesterday I was reading an article about the "Janus Project" (source (http://www.tgdaily.com/2006/08/30/defcon2006_janus_project/)) and my eyes lit up when I read this:
Ubuntu 6.06 Linux runs (...)
In addition to the capturing process, the hard drive and memory contents are continuously encrypted with AES 256-bit keys. There is also an "Instant Off" switch that, according to Williams, renders the captured data inaccessible to anyone but him.

Williams and his friend Martin Peck optimized the OS crypto software to take advantage of the C7's hardware crypto engine. During normal operation the operating system loops the XFS file system, along with the swap partition, through the AES 256-bit encryption. For added security, the encryption keys are rotated throughout the entire memory space.

After the Instant Off switch is hit, a USB key with a 2000-bit passkey and a manually entered password are needed to access the computer. Williams said that even if someone managed to grab the USB key, they would still have to "torture or bribe me" to get the password.
My first thought was that I patted myself on the back that I also used Ubuntu, the same O.S. used by a man who actually knew what he was doing (unlike me).

The next couple hours it kept grinding and I came up with the ID to make a Ubuntu version that at installation sets features like the above on your computer. After installation you get a full encrypted system with a password key on your USB stick etc.

The only problem is, I can't do it.. I'm a complete Linux hacking n00b. The only thing I can do is make website's..

Why make such a version available? Well, I think that nowadays of many people their computer is a big part of their social life. A social life that they don't want be made public when lost, stolen or broken into.

Is such an Ubuntu version possible or makeable? I don't know, you tell me..