View Full Version : Freespire and the CNR tool

August 30th, 2006, 11:34 AM
I could ask this in the freespire forum but feel i'll get a lot of "yeah freespire is the best" so I thought I may get a more balanced opinon here.

Freespire has just made their Click N Run free instead of $20. To me that is significant as I can try out CNR without wasting $20 if I hate it.

Has anyone tried Linspire/Freespire and what is the opinion of the CNR service?


August 30th, 2006, 01:05 PM
It's evil.


August 30th, 2006, 04:34 PM
I think it is a great move and should certainly be put on the 'recommend' list for someone that it may interest.

Great moves and as I have stated before - let us hope it continues. Maybe they have seen the light! :mrgreen:

August 30th, 2006, 05:51 PM
No offense.. going to the Ubuntu forum for an opinion on CNR would be on par with asking a hippie what they think of George Bush... You won't get an unbiased response... for sure.

I use Ubuntu right now, but I'll probably be making that freespire switch soon enough... I've used CNR briefly and the little time I did spend with it (15 days) was enough to say that it's fricking great. The only real problem is that the repositories are a bit out of date at the moment... but they're working on that...