View Full Version : Hirsute Hippo Alternative Wallpaper

April 22nd, 2021, 08:37 PM
I cannot imagine myself using the default wallpaper, so I made an alternative:


April 22nd, 2021, 09:03 PM

Please do not post or link large images. Even in today's day and age, there are users here with slow connections and even data limits. You could actually cost someone a bit of money. Please use the attachment facility provided by the paperclip button above the text entry box. That will create a small thumbnail image and users can decide whether or not to expand it.

I have also removed the URL you gave. I have been lenient because I have no reason to believe its inclusion was deliberately meant to advertise. However, it does have links to purchasing content. We would generally consider that to be spam and summarily issue a ban. I don't think that was your intent. But bear this in mind for the future, please.

See the links in my signature if you have questions about the rules or guidelines.