View Full Version : [ubuntu] Ubuntu 20.04 ZFS install option

April 24th, 2020, 02:32 PM
Hi all,

I was messing around with Ubuntu 20.04 in a VM and decided to try out the ZFS install option. I setup 4 VHDs in the VM to see if the install would allow me to select a raidz level, and/or select which drives to use. So, I did the basic install, selecting advanced and use ZFS but seemed to only get an option to select which drive I wanted to use (unless I misread the instructions) instead of multiples. So now I have the system setup with a zpool of a single drive that doesn't appear to be set for anything other than just a single disk in a ZFS pool (not even a degraded mirror) - did I miss something? Sorry for the seemingly stupid question, but it's my first time trying an Ubuntu install with ZFS :)

April 24th, 2020, 02:42 PM
Sorry no zfs skills myself; but i am able to google around :p

https://vitux.com/how-to-set-up-a-zfs-storage-pool-on-ubuntu/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=8410a988d26edd2d16feac9ece817 73398e24ff8-1587735706-0-ATWzxOD29N9WRCrfEGOAEYw-bkVqOGtX_lBhzfWo8wKIFUv5npy-lmGlyUq8AQzukzi7xQuQTPUXMZThER7C0UuXOsfOZB6JIHLYuv Is164L5_NS3IbEDw9Ek9-qj3gn-m9yEQfmxnoGSc6zu5zrCf1Wftg4GhVWXIBaoGFx3VzyHeF1qYO VM3I6Anr7FWKbotLb5Kwcomgv1nJL79NDDcBhX0_XbqOxatkWO DEYn3I8KP6G5qz5NqXApjkiR_nHGyT_3ARUP8TubUlEnqXq6gx DffBU_APtD6bVD72OALJ3l7w_4juakNlwUfzopDNC2Ls94vx14 75wnGxVLTZdLRnHobcgSTrXa3TyZc-NMf-bSNxkzgPKlq3IlV848vfT96eb7Sx8cVxzPz98U9jPKow

April 24th, 2020, 03:04 PM
Although I appreciate the google searches (I honestly already honestly had several of those) unfortunately, they are mostly covering earlier versions of Ubuntu where it didn't have the ZFS option through the install tool. I'm looking to understand the baked in install ZFS option that is available and how it defaults.

April 24th, 2020, 03:08 PM
an other one (in case it helps) https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/10/a-detailed-look-at-ubuntus-new-experimental-zfs-installer/
a more recent one https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/03/ubuntu-20-04s-zsys-adds-zfs-snapshots-to-package-management/

April 24th, 2020, 05:09 PM
Yup, obviously my googlefoo isn't great this morning. Although not exactly what I was hoping to learn, it does explain a few things including that their install implementation of ZFS doesn't appear to offer any initial redundancy settings (or lack there of). At least now I know the path I need to take to actually get some redundancy :D