View Full Version : TDE: firefox/thunderbird/some UI fonts are small

August 10th, 2018, 04:02 AM
I have recently returned to using TDE from KDE5. For some reason, all my gtk fonts in Thunderbird, Firefox, and a few other apps are very, very small. I've gone through every GTK theme change/config app available and upped it to 28 points, as I run 3 4K displays. Forcing a DPI change will be a global change, not just specific to firefox/thunderbird.

gtk-query-settings returns a font and size of Sans 10. Where is it pulling its information from?

I am running Ubuntu 18.04.

gtk-double-click-time: 400
gtk-double-click-distance: 5
gtk-cursor-blink: TRUE
gtk-cursor-blink-time: 1200
gtk-cursor-blink-timeout: 10
gtk-split-cursor: TRUE
gtk-theme-name: "Adwaita"
gtk-icon-theme-name: "tdegtk-icon-theme"
! gtk-fallback-icon-theme: "tdegtk-fallback-icon-theme"
gtk-key-theme-name: NULL
gtk-menu-bar-accel: "F10"
gtk-dnd-drag-threshold: 8
gtk-font-name: "Sans 10"
! gtk-icon-sizes: "panel-menu-bar=24,24"
gtk-modules: NULL
gtk-xft-antialias: 1
gtk-xft-hinting: 1
gtk-xft-hintstyle: "hintslight"
gtk-xft-rgba: "rgb"
gtk-xft-dpi: 122880
gtk-cursor-theme-name: NULL
gtk-cursor-theme-size: 0
gtk-alternative-button-order: FALSE
gtk-alternative-sort-arrows: FALSE
! gtk-show-input-method-menu: FALSE
! gtk-show-unicode-menu: FALSE
! gtk-timeout-initial: 500
! gtk-timeout-repeat: 50
! gtk-timeout-expand: 500
! gtk-color-scheme: ""
gtk-enable-animations: TRUE
! gtk-touchscreen-mode: FALSE
! gtk-tooltip-timeout: 500
! gtk-tooltip-browse-timeout: 60
! gtk-tooltip-browse-mode-timeout: 500
! gtk-keynav-cursor-only: FALSE
! gtk-keynav-wrap-around: TRUE
gtk-error-bell: TRUE
! color-hash: ((GHashTable*) 0x562724875c60)
! gtk-file-chooser-backend: NULL
gtk-print-backends: "file,cups,cloudprint"
gtk-print-preview-command: "evince --unlink-tempfile --preview --print-settings %s %f"
gtk-enable-mnemonics: TRUE
gtk-enable-accels: TRUE
! gtk-recent-files-limit: 50
gtk-im-module: NULL
gtk-recent-files-max-age: 30
gtk-fontconfig-timestamp: 0
gtk-sound-theme-name: "ubuntu"
gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds: TRUE
gtk-enable-event-sounds: TRUE
! gtk-enable-tooltips: TRUE
! gtk-toolbar-style: GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ
! gtk-toolbar-icon-size: GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR
! gtk-auto-mnemonics: TRUE
gtk-primary-button-warps-slider: TRUE
! gtk-visible-focus: GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC
gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme: FALSE
! gtk-button-images: FALSE
gtk-entry-select-on-focus: TRUE
gtk-entry-password-hint-timeout: 0
! gtk-menu-images: FALSE
! gtk-menu-bar-popup-delay: 0
! gtk-scrolled-window-placement: GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT
! gtk-can-change-accels: FALSE
! gtk-menu-popup-delay: 225
! gtk-menu-popdown-delay: 1000
gtk-label-select-on-focus: TRUE
! gtk-color-palette: "black:white:gray50:red:purple:blue:light blue:green:yellow:orange:lavender:brown:goldenrod4 :dodger blue:pink:light green:gray10:gray30:gray75:gray90"
! gtk-im-preedit-style: GTK_IM_PREEDIT_CALLBACK
! gtk-im-status-style: GTK_IM_STATUS_CALLBACK
gtk-shell-shows-app-menu: FALSE
gtk-shell-shows-menubar: FALSE
gtk-shell-shows-desktop: TRUE
gtk-decoration-layout: "menu:minimize,maximize,close"
gtk-titlebar-double-click: "toggle-maximize"
gtk-titlebar-middle-click: "none"
gtk-titlebar-right-click: "menu"
gtk-dialogs-use-header: FALSE
gtk-enable-primary-paste: TRUE
gtk-recent-files-enabled: TRUE
gtk-long-press-time: 500
gtk-keynav-use-caret: FALSE

August 10th, 2018, 04:20 AM
Please use code tags to enclose terminal commands and their results. Don't get carried away with special formatting to bring attention to what needs to be emphasized. Note that a simple bold stands out. Code tags also preserve formatting, which keeps character strings as they are, rather than having them turn into emojis.

Is is also best to say what an esoteric acronym stands for rather than to assume people will know, ie:

" ... TDE (Trinity Desktop Environment) ... "


" ... Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) ... "

August 10th, 2018, 04:30 AM
Noted. Thanks.