View Full Version : water-friendly capturing tools?

April 24th, 2018, 04:32 PM

I am recording with Covoco (https://covoco.com/) and with a rode mic. I'm hoping someone else has this dilemma, and can share with me how they've solved it.

For some reason, I get a ton of ideas/thoughts/to-dos while I'm in the shower. Unfortunately, the abundance of water makes most capturing methods unuseable (paper and electronics tend to not fare very well in this environment).

However, if I don't capture the items right THEN, I'll have forgotten what they are by the time I'm out of the shower, resulting in a nagging feeling for the rest of the day, until the thought(s) pop back into my head.

Any suggestions on water-friendly capturing tools?

Thank you.

April 24th, 2018, 06:15 PM
Waterproof case for your phone? Just turn on the audio recording when the ideas come. I use tape-a-talk. There's also ListNote which can understand clear talking - it has a STT capability.

I don't use Alexa or google-whatever, but perhaps those programs (which do run on android devices) have a way to listen and save text somewhere?

I've been looking to create a voice activated controller for my house using a room mic and raspberry pi. For privacy reasons, I much prefer not to use google/apple/amazon speech-to-text engines - STT - so using some F/LOSS STT that run on the Pi is still something I'm working on. People appear to have solved this, I'm just slow.