View Full Version : bash script string manipulation help needed

August 17th, 2006, 04:59 PM
I'm pretty new to bash scripting and any kind of coding whatsoever. I am writing a script to keep me updated with the cricket scores, and have managed to get an output from a website in the following format (I use square brackets to mark limits, but they are not present):


How can I extract the values of each? I want to create each of those as variables, i.e. so I can call upon each variable, and use them further in the script.

I hope I've made what I want to do clear, I don't know how to do it myself, so I don't know if I'm asking in the right way. I think it may be possible with sed, but I don't know how to use it properly, and the guides I can find don't really help me too much.

Thanks, I'd appreciate some help!

August 17th, 2006, 06:09 PM
Suppose your data is in "cricket.txt" file.
And fields are delimited by a single space.

IFS=" "
while read team runs wickets overs rest
if test "$team" != ""; then
echo "$team got $runs runs and $wickets wickets."
done < cricket.txt

August 18th, 2006, 09:14 AM
IFS! Of course! I was just reading about it the other day.

Could I instead of using "done <cricket.txt" use "done < $ExtractedScore", or does it have to come from a file?

I see how using IFS works with spaces, but the wickets and runs are separated by a hypen, how would I go about getting those two pieces of information out?

August 18th, 2006, 09:47 PM
OK, I have managed to get most of the script working how I want it to. However, there is one thing I am not sure about.

function Wickets {
echo "$CurrentScore" > $PWD/wickets.txt
while read teamruns wicketsplus
if test "$teamruns" != ""; then
done < wickets.txt

That code snippet works, and if I echo "WicketsDown" I get the number I want. However, I want to use a line like this:

if [ "$WicketsDown" -gt "$OldWicketsDown" ] ; then
#do stuff

However, as the values of WicketsDown and OldWicketsDown are strings, I cannot do integer maths with them, and using "declare -i WicketsDown" to convert them to ints doesn't seem to work either. What am I doing wrong? How can I check if the value of WicketsDown is greater than OldWicketsDown?

August 19th, 2006, 09:53 AM
You can create a function that converts $1 to integer.

function intval {
# $1: String or numeric value
# Sample: v=$(intval "123 t")

# Remove all non numeric characters
n="$(echo "$1" | sed 's/[^0-9]//g')"
echo "$n"

# Remember to initialize OldWicketsDown.

if test "$teamruns" != ""; then
wicketsplus=$(intval $wicketsplus)

if [ ! -z WicketsDown -a "$WicketsDown" -gt "$OldWicketsDown" ] ; then
echo "$WicketsDown -gt $OldWicketsDown"

August 19th, 2006, 06:27 PM
I'm confused. As far as I can tell "intval" just removes any non-numeric characters, but I already have a way of extracting just the number I want. The value of WicketsDown when I want to use it is already just a number, e.g. "3". The same happens with OldWicketsDown, it already is just a number. But if I try to do arithmetic comparisons with them, I'm told they are not ints.

My whole script is here:

# A script that goes to the bbc's "ball by ball update" page, and takes the score off the page, and then does stuff with # it.
# wicket assessment
# sound file for wickets
# get nice graphical appearance rather than command line ugliness
# put some of the more recent stuff into functions to make the code easier to read
# tidy up stuff, especially comments - they are making the code hard to read.

# Function to give a pretty intro buffer #

function PrettyIntro {
echo ""
echo " #*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#"
echo " #*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#"
echo " #*~*# #*~*#"
echo " #*~*# Welcome to CricketEd v0.1.#*~*#"
echo " #*~*# #*~*#"
echo " #*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#"
echo " #*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#*~*#"
echo ""
echo " This script relies on the BBC's cricket score service."
echo " Use ctrl+c to exit."
echo ""
echo ""

# Function to decide where to get the scores #

function ScorePage {
echo "This is a placeholder for ScorePage - no function inserted here yet"
#idea 1
#if "wget url = 404"... then go onto next possibility (scroll through options 1-10 or so). Don't know 404 error exit status.
#idea 2
#wget from file of urls provided - but then how do I make it choose the correct one? Perhaps write a first 'config' script, getting input from the user as to which score they wish to use! This could work!

# Function to get the latest cricket score #

function LatestUpdate {

# Download the page from bbc. The "1" at the end may change. The -nv option means "not verbose" and supresses output apart from error messages, but is too noisy for the output, so 'q' used instead.
wget -q http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/sport1/shared/bsp/hi/cricket/in_vision/html/in_vision1.stm ;

# Rename the downloaded file to 'latestupdate' - works in the present working directory; think the $PWD is redundant
mv *.stm $PWD/latestupdate ;

# Magic. Declares the variable $CurrentScore - extracting the score from the downloaded webpage.
CurrentScore=`less $PWD/latestupdate | grep \<title\> | sed -e "s/\<title\>/ /g" | sed -e "s/</ /g" | sed -e "s/>/ /g"`

################################################## #################
# Function to delete the oldscore, and copy new score to oldscore #
################################################## #################

function ArchiveLatest {
rm $PWD/oldupdate.txt
mv $PWD/latestupdate $PWD/oldupdate.txt
OldScore=`less $PWD/oldupdate.txt | grep \<title\> | sed -e "s/\<title\>/ /g" | sed -e "s/</ /g" | sed -e "s/>/ /g"`

################################################## #########
# Function to get wickets out of the downloaded page code #
################################################## #########

function Wickets {
echo "$CurrentScore" > $PWD/wickets.txt
while read teamruns wicketsplus
if test "$teamruns" != ""; then
done < wickets.txt

################################################## #############
# Function to get old wickets out of the downloaded page code #
################################################## #############

function OldWickets {
echo "$OldScore" > $PWD/oldwickets.txt
while read oldteamruns oldwicketsplus
if test "$oldteamruns" != ""; then
done < oldwickets.txt

#*~*#*~*# MAIN SCRIPT *~*#*~*#*~*#

# This clears the screen that makes it look nicer.

#this creates the file $PWD/oldupdate.txt if it's not already there, avoiding an unsightly error message
echo " " > $PWD/oldupdate.txt

# This is an infinite while loop; to quit needs to be "ctrl+c". Unless setup a quit-key.
while true

PrettyIntro ;
LatestUpdate ;
Wickets ;
OldWickets ;
ArchiveLatest ;

#check if there is a score being given out, if not exit, else echo the score. It doesn't appear to work properly, though it doesn't hinder proper working.
if [ "$CurrentScore" = "*will appear here*" ] ; then
echo " There is no play at the moment."
echo "Perhaps you should try later, or tommorrow."
echo " $CurrentScore" ;

#check if a wicket has gone down since last update
if [ "$WicketsDown" -gt "$OldWicketsDown" ] ; then
echo "He's gone!" #placeholder response
elif [ "$WicketsDown" -eq "$OldWicketsDown" ] ; then
echo "They're both still there." #placeholder response

# the sleep number can be decreased to update more often
sleep 100;

#purely asthetic, clear the screen to make things look like it's just the score changing


August 19th, 2006, 06:40 PM
Try changing this:

#check if a wicket has gone down since last update
if [ "$WicketsDown" -gt "$OldWicketsDown" ] ; then
echo "He's gone!" #placeholder response
elif [ "$WicketsDown" -eq "$OldWicketsDown" ] ; then
echo "They're both still there." #placeholder response

to this:

#check if a wicket has gone down since last update
if [[ $WicketsDown -gt $OldWicketsDown ]] ; then
echo "He's gone!" #placeholder response
elif [[ $WicketsDown -eq $OldWicketsDown ]] ; then
echo "They're both still there." #placeholder response

I'm not sure if this actually works, since I know nothing about cricket, and haven't done any extensive testing using the actual website info (ie, checking in a browser). However, when you use

"$myVariable" instead of
$myVariable, bash will treat it as a string, whereas omitting the quotes allows bash to use the actual value. The double square brackets tells the if statement that you're using numerical values rather than strings.

Again, I haven't done any actual testing, but I didn't get any errors when I ran your script with my changes, take a look:

#*~*# #*~*#
#*~*# Welcome to CricketEd v0.1.#*~*#
#*~*# #*~*#

This script relies on the BBC's cricket score service.
Use ctrl+c to exit.

Eng 49-1 10.5 ovs
He's gone!

August 19th, 2006, 06:51 PM
Thanks, I confess that in my newness to the world of bash, I hadn't realised that you could use $myvar in an if statement without the "", nor what effect it would have. Thanks a lot!