View Full Version : 16.04 Minimal install, essential packages

October 23rd, 2017, 04:10 PM

I am working on a minimal system to use as my daily driver. I am using the minimal installation of 16.04 with just the essential packages installed. Now I need to compile a list of the packages I need in order to have a working desktop.
I want to use i3-gaps as my WM, and no DE. I have been working on a script to gather all the packages I need, but I am unsure as of whether some of the packages are unnecessary of if I am missing some really essential stuff.

My current setup script can be found here: https://gist.github.com/vegarab/798eedcc6cfdbbd827bb846fb69a064a

One of my first headaches is a display manager. LightDM or GDM. Which one is the least bloated? Ideally I would just like a CLI to login and launch i3, then nothing else. I have currently tried to use Lightdm and its gtk-greeter, but it has a lot of dependencies that I am unsure whether I need or not.

So I would love some input on what packages I dont need, and which I really do need. Thank you.

October 23rd, 2017, 05:54 PM
You don't need a display manager if you don't want one. You can log into the TTY and then auto-start your X session with your desired environment (i3).
You also don't need ubuntu-drivers-common. Install the drivers you need manually.