View Full Version : New to Ubuntu? Guidance is here!

August 15th, 2006, 10:00 PM
The Ubuntu New Users Network (NUN), a group of Ubuntu enthusiasts, has created the first Ubuntu Classroom.
Providing new users with a one-on-one environment to learn Ubuntu’s ins and outs,the Classroom also doubles as a location for biweekly lectures ranging from the basics, all the way up to system administration.
Recently, the network was featured in an article over at Linux.com (http://community.linux.com/community/06/08/08/2042213.shtml?tid=12&tid=96). Mayank Sharma interviewed one of the New User Mentors, Richard Johnson (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nixternal), and had this to say:

Ubuntu Linux might be an easy distribution to use, but some new users quickly run into things that bewilder them. Commands like sudo, apt-get, and terminal make newbies scurry around for help from forum boards, mailing lists, and IRC. To help such newcomers, Ubuntu has put together a community team that ensures new users are handled with care. The New Users Network, or NUN, is a group of experienced Ubuntu enthusiasts who help new Ubuntu users come to grips with the operating system.
Interested in becoming a mentor? Visit the New Users Network (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserMentor) page. To view upcoming lectures, head on over to the Classroom (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom) page.

More... (http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/501)

August 15th, 2006, 11:44 PM
Hey! the link for the wiki page leads someplace that does not yet exist. If I want to help those who are just arriving, should I also write the wiki page?

August 16th, 2006, 05:52 PM
fixed that, thanks for pointing that out ;)