View Full Version : NVIDIA's stock price

August 12th, 2016, 04:53 PM
I happened to be watching Bloomberg TV yesterday when one of the commentators observed that the best performer among S&P 500 firms over the past two years was NVIDIA (https://finance.yahoo.com/chart/NVDA?ltr=1#eyJtdWx0aUNvbG9yTGluZSI6ZmFsc2UsImJvbGx pbmdlclVwcGVyQ29sb3IiOiIjZTIwMDgxIiwiYm9sbGluZ2VyT G93ZXJDb2xvciI6IiM5NTUyZmYiLCJtZmlMaW5lQ29sb3IiOiI jNDVlM2ZmIiwibWFjZERpdmVyZ2VuY2VDb2xvciI6IiNmZjdiM TIiLCJtYWNkTWFjZENvbG9yIjoiIzc4N2Q4MiIsIm1hY2RTaWd uYWxDb2xvciI6IiMwMDAwMDAiLCJyc2lMaW5lQ29sb3IiOiIjZ mZiNzAwIiwic3RvY2hLTGluZUNvbG9yIjoiI2ZmYjcwMCIsInN 0b2NoRExpbmVDb2xvciI6IiM0NWUzZmYiLCJyYW5nZSI6IjJ5I n0%3D) whose stock price has tripled in the past twenty-four months. They attributed its success to the continued expansion of video gaming. Pretty surprising to me.

August 12th, 2016, 06:59 PM
Now their stock price will go even higher and then it will fall as speculators buy and sell to make a profit. It is a different type of game.

August 14th, 2016, 06:14 PM
They have managed to muscle in on tablets and mobile devices pretty well, I reckon that would account for a lot of the increase too. The Tegras are fab!

August 16th, 2016, 06:11 PM
after messing around with an AMD driver too much today, i'm not too surprised :x

August 17th, 2016, 12:13 PM
They attributed its success to the continued expansion of video gaming. Pretty surprising to me.

to me as well. NVidia lost on consoles (AMD is in both) and indeed has majority market share on PCs whose sales are supposedly dropping a lot and are not picking up. so even with a share there sales margin is quesitonable then?! they do have a share in mobile platfroms but i am Quite sure it is not a majority share compared to other chips. hmm... maybe all markets combined give investors hope of total domination (growth prospect) or at least huge dividents.