View Full Version : [SOLVED] Ubuntu 16.04 LTS installation works but computer freezes on desktop

July 18th, 2016, 04:02 PM
Hey, today I have updated Ubuntu 15.10 on my system (auto-update) but with the new updates I was unable to use my computer, could not login and I think this was due to graphic card conflict, so I have decided to move on and fresh install the Ubuntu 16.04.

Things got worse after installation, I can login but as I am in the desktop environment, nothing displays, except an error that is flickering on the desktop and I cannot open terminal or see anything on my screen. I guess the conflict with my GTX 970 is the problem here and I would like to solve it fast, but how can I install nVidia drivers if I cannot access my terminal, at least ?

Why is this happening with a such an evolved version of Ubuntu, I thought this was done with older nVidia cards :( . I will try a few other options, but I will run out of them soon, so please help me if you have any idea about a fix to this, problem!

July 19th, 2016, 09:10 AM
Problem solved! I have installed the OS using integrated graphics, then installed nvidia drivers and after that I have switched to GTX 970 again, everything is fine now!