View Full Version : plymouth, gdm, bootscreen, login, startup, shutdown

June 25th, 2016, 12:27 AM
hi everybody,

i made plymouth to say 'hi tom' on startup to me, BUT i'd also like it to say 'bye tom' on shutdown (or restart)....
now, as far as i can figure, there is no such trigger in the /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-gnome-logo/ubuntu-gnome-logo.script file. i believe i will have to add some lines of code - but which ones? :smile:

something completely different:
well any plymouth-motion stops way too quick - which means you have a flightless spinner hanging around while waiting for gdm (yes ubuntu 16 is really slow - i mean SLOW!!!! - i am coming from 15.10 - and no, it's not my computer - maybe my swap is a bit too big - but that should fade away with time) - ok then gdm prompts you with login stuff, but THEN one might really have a hard time of waiting (up to 30 s) - is there a possibility to switch on a progressbar or spinner or something? or better - to speed up ubuntu or gnome (dont know which one has its feet on the brakes).

3rd thing:
i managed to customize almost anything of my desktop - colors, fonts, widgets, borders, icons, and the shell-stuff.... whatever - but the only thing i cannot find is that short glimpse of the background when gdm already has settled and the actual desktop zooms in. i'd like to change that bg-color (i know i am a nerd - lol);

4th: wanna play a custom sound at startup and another one at shutsown - the sound in the plymouth directory doesnt play - i guess there is a line of code missing in the script-file - so what am i supposed to do?

anyway - i'll be grateful for any clues


June 25th, 2016, 08:16 AM
Duplicate thread closed.