View Full Version : [SOLVED] New kernel didn't launch

June 17th, 2016, 10:03 AM

I compiled a new kernel for my ARM computer because I needed to change some configs. It's a Utilite Board, that has his own kernel.

I cloned the right version from git:

git clone ...

Then I created the config file the way I needed to:

make cm_fx6_defconfig
nano .config

Built the kernel image:

make -j4 zImage dtbs modules

Installed the new kernel on my computer:

sudo cp ./arch/arm/boot/zImage ./arch/arm/boot/dts/*.dtb /media/bootsudo make modules_install
sudo make firmware_install
sudo make headers_install INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/usr

After that, I rebooted the system and it still launches with the old kernel.

I have no GRUB on this computer, and I couldn't install, nor GRUB CUSTOMIZER.

Do you have any tip that could help me with this?