View Full Version : How to start in Perl several other perl scripts?

June 5th, 2016, 06:32 PM
Just doing my last step at the Exodus from Windows: Rewriting my old MSHTA dependent software to client server.

In the Windows version:
MSIE was used as GUI, *.hta applications, something like html where
<script language=PerlScript>
....here goes all the Perl code

In the new client server version:
Google Chrome as GUI.
The perl script service.pl opens a port,
starts the browser with http://localhost:10500/here-some-parameters
The perl script is called on port 10500 and delivers the html page.

There is a list of domains, and each domain has links on the page
* to call the CMS for this domain
* to view the local version of the domain

View the local version works fine.
The page javascript calls server.pl with

function view(site)
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.open('GET', url+'?do=view&site='+site, true);

and in server.pl

if ( $do eq 'view' )
system ( $wm2::browser, "$path::internet/$site/index.htm" );

For each click, a new window opens, showing the localc stored start page of the wanted domain.

The problem is opening the CMS for a domain.
The javascript

function wsc(i)
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.open('GET', url+'?do=WSC&index='+i, true);

and in server.pl

if ( $do eq 'WSC' )
my $i = $wm2::data_hash { 'index'};
my $site = $site::tab [ $i ];
my $port = 10510 + $i;

system ( "perl", "$path::internet/cgi.pege.org/cgi-bin/server.pl", "task=WSC", "site=$site", "port=$port" );

A new windows opens with the CMS for the wanted domain,
but after this, no click creates an reaction, the browser window with the domain list is dead.

So I think, calling the browser, the browser returns controll to server.pl after opening a new browser window
but calling perl, the controll is not returned to server.pl, so server.pl can not react any more.

In windows,
system ( "start", "perl.exe", "$path::internet/cgi.pege.org/cgi-bin/server.pl", "task=WSC", "site=$site", "port=$port" );
but I can not find out gow to do it here

June 6th, 2016, 06:06 AM
I found a solution

sub call_shell
my ( $shell, @param_tab ) = @_;

if ( open ( MYSHELL, ">$shell" ) )
print "call_shell * create $shell\n";
print MYSHELL "$path::internet/cgi.pege.org/cgi-bin/server.pl";
my $param;
foreach $param ( @param_tab)
print MYSHELL " $param";
print MYSHELL " &\n";
close ( MYSHELL );
chmod 0755, $shell;
system ( $shell ) ;
print "call_shell * can not open $shell\n\n";

But I think there should be a more elegant way, than writing a batch file with "&" at the end of the line.