View Full Version : [server] Boot xenial client with pxe from chroot dir

May 27th, 2016, 12:51 AM
I've build a xenial image with debootstrap in a chroot environment and I tryed to boot from them with pxe. I found this problem only in xenial, if i tried with trusty it's works.
this is my /etc/fstab

# nfsv4
/home /exports/home none bind 0 0
/images /nfs4exports/images none auto,bind,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd 0 0

and this is my /etc/exports

/nfs4exports *(ro,fsid=0,sync,insecure,no_subtree_check,no_root _squash,crossmnt)
/nfs4exports/images *(ro,async,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,no_roo t_squash,no_acl)
/nfs4exports/states *(rw,sync,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,no_root _squash,no_acl)
/exports *(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,async)
/exports/home *(rw,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,async)

after pxe boot the client obtain an ip address from dhcp but show me these error:

Mount remote root
Begin: Mount remote root ... mount: failed, reason given by server: Permission denied
mount: mounting on ro failed: Bad file description
Cannot mount nfs root, reboot

The server is an ubuntu trusty with latest update

Any idea?