View Full Version : Segmentation fault

April 24th, 2016, 02:47 AM
I've been writing this program for over half a year now and I cannot find the fault within it. Maybe it's because my mind is so old now I can't wrap my head around my own ideas. If someone could please take a look at it and come up with a solution, I would really appreciate it.

Please note that you need libsndfile installed in your system. You can compile my program with "g++ filename.cpp -o filename -lsndfile" or something of the like. Here's the code.

#include <sndfile.hh>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h> /* srand, rand */
#include <time.h> /* time */

using namespace std ;

class note ;
class piece;
class instrument;
class timbre;

//const int format=SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 ;
const int format=SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT;
const int channels = 1 ;
const int sampleRate = 44100 ;
const char* outfilename = "00029.wav" ;

int nyquist = sampleRate/2 ;
float bpm = 89.0 ;
float bpb = 4.0 ;
float val = 4.0 ;
float beat = bpm * 60.0 ;

// frequency 8.2 Hz to 33.5 kHz (pitch 0, 144)
float freq(int pitch) { return pow(2.0,(pitch-69.0)/12.0)*440 ; }
// period
float period(int pitch) { return (1/freq(pitch)) ; }
float period(float f) {return 1/f ; }
// phase -2*M_PI to 2*M_PI rad
float phase(float d) { return M_PI*d ; }
float amplitude(float n) { return 1/n ; }

float attack(float s, float t) {
float c = s/sampleRate ;
return (t>0 && c<t) ? c/t : float(1) ; }
float decay(float s, float att, float sus, float t) {
float c = s/sampleRate ;
return (c>=att && c<att+t) ? (1-(1-sus)*(c-att)/t) : float(1) ; }
float sustain(float s, float att, float dec, float dur, float l) {
float c = s/sampleRate ;
return (c>=att+dec && c<dur) ? l : float (1) ; }
float release(float s, float d, float sus, float t) {
float c = s/sampleRate ;
return (t>0 && c>=d) ? (sus)*(1-(c-d)/t) : float(1) ; }

float envelope(float i, float att, float dec, float sus, float rel, float t) {
return attack(i,att)
* decay(i,att,sus,dec)
* sustain(i,att,dec,t,sus)
* release(i,t,sus,rel); }

void sleep(unsigned int mseconds) {
clock_t goal = mseconds + clock();
while (goal > clock()); }

class timbre {
public : timbre() {}
timbre(unsigned long long int h, unsigned long long int s) {
harmonics=h; subharmonics=s;
strengthen(); }
void set(unsigned long long int h, unsigned long long int s) {
harmonics=h; subharmonics=s;
strengthen(); }
unsigned long long int harmonics ;
unsigned long long int subharmonics ;
float harstrength [64] ;
float substrength [64] ;
float pu [64] ;
float po [64] ;
float harsh ;
float subsh ;
int counter ;
void strengthen() {
counter = 0 ;
harsh = 1.0 ;
subsh = 1.0 ;
srand (time(NULL)) ;
unsigned long long int c=1;
for (int i=0; i<64; i++) {
if (c&harmonics) {
pu[i] = phase((float)rand()/RAND_MAX);
harstrength[i]=harsh*(float)rand()/(RAND_MAX) ;
harsh=harstrength[i] ; }
if (c&subharmonics) {
po[i] = phase((float)rand()/RAND_MAX);
substrength[i]=harsh*(float)rand()/(RAND_MAX) ;
subsh=substrength[i] ; }

c=c<<1; } } };

class instrument {
public : instrument(unsigned int d) {
amp = 1.0/(2.0*(d+1)-2.0) ;
srand (time(NULL)) ;
unsigned long long int g = rand()+2^32*rand() ;
unsigned long long int h = rand()+2^32*rand() ;
tim.set(g,h) ; }
float amp ;
timbre tim ; } ;

class note {
public : note() {
srand (time(NULL)) ;
dur = pow(2,round((float)rand()*16.0/RAND_MAX)-8.0)/bpm ;
for (int i=1; i<4 ; i++)
if (rand()%2 == 1)
dur += pow(2,round((float)rand()*16.0/RAND_MAX)-8.0)
/bpm ;
if (rand()%2 == 1) {
pit = freq(round((float)rand()*144.0/RAND_MAX)) ;
amp = (float)rand()/RAND_MAX ;
att = dur*(float)rand()/RAND_MAX ;
dec = (dur - att)*(float)rand()/RAND_MAX ;
sus = (float)rand()/RAND_MAX ;
rel = dur * (float)rand()/RAND_MAX ; }
else {
pit = 0.0 ;
amp = 0.0 ;
att = 0.0 ;
dec = 0.0 ;
sus = 0.0 ;
rel = 0.0 ; } }
float pit ;
float dur ;
float amp ;
float att ;
float dec ;
float sus ;
float rel ; } ;

int main() {
SndfileHandle outfile(outfilename,SFM_WRITE,format,channels,samp leRate) ;
if (not outfile) return -1 ;
int len = 2 * pow(2,8) * sampleRate / bpm ;

int numofinst = 1 ;
cout << "instruments " << numofinst << endl ;
float buffer[len];
float buf[len];
float buf2[len];
int prelease = 0 ;
bool bof = false ;
srand (time(NULL));
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
buffer[i] = 0 ;
buf2[i] = 0 ; }
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
buf[i] = 0; }
int notes = 1024;

bool buffull[numofinst] ;
bool done[numofinst] ;
bool doneforrealz = false ;
int i[numofinst] ;
int pri[numofinst] ;

instrument * ins[numofinst];
int amo = 0 ;
for (int j=0 ; j<numofinst; j++) {
ins[j] = new instrument(j) ;
buffull[j] = false ;
done[j] = false ;
pri[j] = 0 ;
i[j] = 0 ; }
int m=0 ;
while (m<numofinst && !doneforrealz) {
int beg = pri[m] ;
int sta = 0 ;
pri[m] = 0 ;

for (int r=0; r<numofinst; r++) {
if(done[r] && r==numofinst-1)
doneforrealz = true ;
else {
break ;

if(buffull[m] || done[m]) {
if (m<(numofinst-1)) {
else {
if (m == numofinst-1) {
for (int p=0; p<numofinst; p++) {
if (buffull[p]) {
if (p==(numofinst-1)) {
outfile.write(&buf[0], len) ;
for (int q=0; q<len; q++) {
buf[q] = 0 ; }
for (int r=0; r<amo; r++) {
buf[r] = buf2[r] ;
buf2[r] = 0.0 ; }
amo = 0 ;
for (int q=0; q<numofinst; q++) {
buffull[q] = false;


else {
if (done[p] && beg>0 && p==(numofinst-1)) {
outfile.write(&buf[0], beg) ;
break ;
else {
while (i[m]<notes)
note n;
int core = (sampleRate)*(n.dur) ;
int size = core + (sampleRate)*(n.rel) ;
float sample[size] ;
for (int j=0; j<size; j++) {
sample[j]=0; }
if (core<=len && prelease<=len) {
for (int j=0; j<prelease; j++) {
sample[j]=buffer[j]; }
for (int l=0; l<core; l++) {
for (int k=0; k<64; k++) {
if ((*ins[m]).tim.harstrength[k]!=0.0) {
sample[l] = sample[l]
+ envelope(l,n.att,n.dec,n.sus,n.rel,n.dur)
* (*ins[m]).amp * n.amp
* (*ins[m]).tim.harstrength[k]
* sin(float(l)/(sampleRate)
* M_PI*n.pit*(k+1.0)
* 2.0+(*ins[m]).tim.pu[k])
/ float((*ins[m]).tim.counter) ; } }

for (int k=0; k<64; k++) {
if ((*ins[m]).tim.substrength[k]!=0.0) {
sample[l] = sample[l]
+ envelope(l,n.att,n.dec,n.sus,n.rel,n.dur)
* (*ins[m]).amp * n.amp
* (*ins[m]).tim.substrength[k]
* sin(float(l)/(sampleRate)
* M_PI*n.pit/(k+1.0)
* 2.0+(*ins[m]).tim.po[k])
/ float((*ins[m]).tim.counter) ; } } }

for (int o=beg; o<beg+core; o++)
buf[o] += sample[o-beg] ;
beg += core ;
pri[m] = beg ;
else {
for (int o=beg; o<(len) ; o++)
buf[o] += sample[o-beg] ;
sta = (len)-beg ;
beg = 0 ;
pri[m] = core-sta ;
amo = max(amo,pri[m]);
buffull[m] = true ;
for (int o=sta; o<core; o++) {
buf2[o-sta] += sample[o];
sample[o] = 0.0 ; } }

if (core<prelease) {
for (int j=core ; j<prelease ; j++) {
buffer[j-core] = buffer[j]; }
for (int j=(prelease-core); j<prelease; j++) {
buffer[j] = 0; }
prelease = prelease-core; }
else {
for (int j=0; j<prelease; j++)
buffer[j] = 0;
prelease = 0; }

for (int j=core; j<size; j++) {
for (int k=0; k<64; k++) {
if ((*ins[m]).tim.harstrength[k]!=0) {
buffer[j-core] = buffer[j-core]
+ envelope(j,n.att,n.dec,n.sus,n.rel,n.dur)
* (*ins[m]).amp * n.amp
* (*ins[m]).tim.harstrength[k]
* sin(float(j)/(sampleRate)
* M_PI*n.pit*(k+1.0)
* 2.0+(*ins[m]).tim.pu[k])
/ float((*ins[m]).tim.counter) ; } }
for (int k=0; k<64; k++) {
if ((*ins[m]).tim.substrength[k]!=0) {
buffer[j-core] = buffer[j-core]
+ envelope(j,n.att,n.dec,n.sus,n.rel,n.dur)
* (*ins[m]).amp * n.amp
* (*ins[m]).tim.substrength[k]
* sin(float(j)/(sampleRate)
* M_PI*n.pit/(k+1.0)
* 2.0+(*ins[m]).tim.po[k])
/ float((*ins[m]).tim.counter) ; } } }

prelease = max((size - core), prelease); }
else {
bof = true ;
cout << "buffer overflow" << endl;
return -1 ;
i[m]++ ;
if (i[m]>=notes)
done[m] = true ;
sleep(100000) ;
if (prelease > 0)
outfile.write(&buffer[0], prelease) ;

return 0 ;

April 24th, 2016, 05:19 PM
With some help from the debugger...
ins[0] gets set here:

ins[j] = new instrument(j) ;

but when the crash occurs, ins[0] has changed even though there is no code to change it, so ins is being unintentionally overwritten.

float sample[size] ;
for (int j=0; j<size; j++) {
sample[j]=0; }
if (core<=len && prelease<=len) {
for (int j=0; j<prelease; j++) {
sample[j]=buffer[j]; }

size = 1056
prelease = 2081
Therefore you are writing way beyond sample[size-1] whicb tramples on ins.