View Full Version : cycling through windows without changing windows' order each time!

April 16th, 2016, 08:49 PM

My global purpose: to have all my programs in full screen, no visible panels of any kind. then when i wanna switch from one window to another, some keyboard-driven thing that allows me to walk through my windows, without changing the order each time (coz come on, whose is that idea? can you imagine if it were the same thing on visible panels?? no way to know where the windows are gonna be next time?).
The visual when cycling must also be right: I wish to have all the time the titles of said windows, and their icons.
Also, if you know of a way to make all windows in maximized mode from the moment they're created, that'd be great :)

I'm currently on Xubuntu 14.04.4, but I don't have trouble over changing my DE/version/distribution if needed.

So, does anyone know of any software/desktop environment that would fit the bill? Thanks in advance! 😃

April 16th, 2016, 10:50 PM
I really do not know what you are talking about.

without changing the order each time (coz come on, whose is that idea?

That I just do not understand.

I am on Ubuntu + Unity. And right now I have 2 Libreoffice Writer documents & 1 Calc document open in one workspace. And Firefox open in another workspace. If I am using Firefox, as I am doing right now, I can press Alt + Tab and I get a spread that shows me Show Desktop, Firefox & Libreoffice and I can move the focus between the three. If I let the focus rest on Libreoffice the spread will show the open Libreoffice documents and I can select one and the desktop will switch workplaces and give me access to the Libreoffice document that I have chosen.


I suggest that you try running some live sessions of the Ubuntu flavours and test them out to you find one that suits your preferences.


April 16th, 2016, 11:36 PM
Thanks, tested all of them except Lubuntu,sorry none of them do what I want.
It's pretty simple, I'm not sure how clearer I can be as regards "order of windows in the list". I'll give an example then: Say I have three windows open: firefox, terminal and gvim. Say I'm on Firefox. I press alt-tab, and i get a list showing in that order [firefox, terminal, gvim], with default focus on terminal. I accept and release the keys, and the terminal takes up the screen. then I wanna change again, return on firefox. sure, if I press alt-tab, firefox will be on focus, but the order will have changed entirely: [terminal, firefox, gvim]. I want the order to be as fixed as on any window bar (for example that (stupid) icon-only vertical bar on unity, (no offense to those who like it); could you use this vertical bar if each time you click on an icon, that icon decides to move up till it becomes the first icon, changing the order (of icons) entirely?), not an order based on where I went previously that entails I can't have any possible bearings when going through my windows for the nth time. I want the order to remain for example [firefox, terminal, gvim], or whatever is the actual order of creation of windows. with this current stupid adaptative system, it's impossible to try and remember where is any program in the window list, precisely because that order is gonna change as soon as you visit any window. I hate that, it's stupid (sorry to repeat myself ^^), it forces one to walk through the list of windows each very time without possibly knowing the order. (of course, you can deduce the order from one use to the other, but I don't wanna have to update the memory of where are my windows on the list just because my computer has the habit of shifting my windows in the list continually for no reason I can possibly see. and don't tell me it's so the previously visited window be automatically on focus: you don't need to move it around to do that.)

I hope this time it's clearer...

April 17th, 2016, 02:50 AM
Try Alt+tab

April 17th, 2016, 03:00 AM
.., (no offense to those who like it); ... I hate that, it's stupid ...
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