View Full Version : Restoring startup, login and logout sounds

February 4th, 2016, 09:14 AM
For some reason (see proverb about cats & curiosity) I’ve been investigating how to make Ubuntu noisy again. This seems to be a little messy, which I guess is one of the reasons the devs dropped these in the first place, and I’m not sure I really understand how it used to be done anyway. I thought I’d share what I’ve figured out and see if anyone can add to it.

There is a freedesktop.org spec (http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/sound-theme-spec/) for sound themes, but Ubuntu doesn’t really seem to have a (easily discoverable) mechanism for choosing a theme.

Themes are installed in folders under /usr/share/sounds and can be selected using dconf Editor at /org/gnome/desktop/sound/theme-name or on the command line:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.sound theme-name "ubuntu"

Playing sounds
To use the freedesktop abstracted sound names (according to your theme) the command to use (at least in 14.04) is

canberra-gtk-play --id=<sound-name>
canberra-gtk-play -i <sound-name>

canberra-gtk-play -i system-ready
canberra-gtk-play -i desktop-login
canberra-gtk-play -i desktop-logout

There are plenty of other options for playing sounds, but they will require a direct path to the file (e.g. paplay, aplay) and so ignore themes.

Triggering the sounds
This is where things get messy.

There seem to be two options here. What I’m guessing is the original method still seems to work, but the one most commonly suggested (#2) might be a little easier to tweak.


gksu gedit /usr/share/gnome/autostart/libcanberra-login-sound.desktop and change this line to true:


(assumes /org/gnome/desktop/sound/event-sounds is set to true in dconf)

Create a new entry in Startup Applications that runs canberra-gtk-play -i desktop-login (or a script running canberra-gtk-play)

Both of these work for me, but the start of the sound is cut off. I suppose this might be fixed by a script doing something like

canberra-gtk-play -f /home/you/silent.wav
canberra-gtk-play -i desktop-login to wake up the system or maybe sleep 1 && canberra-gtk-play -i desktop-login. if it’s just happening too early.

I’ve read a lot of articles about these sounds in the last couple of days, but almost all of them are about a login sound (even ones that seem to be about a startup sound). The one method I’ve read for logout uses lightdm.conf.

You could just put a command directly into the file, but I prefer to call a script.

gksu gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and add a session-cleanup-script under [SeatDefaults] (if the file doesn’t exist you could just add the following)…


Then create the /home/you/bin/lightdm-session-cleanup script…


/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play -i desktop-logout

This more or less works for me though, once again, the sound can be cut off early.

Inexplicably, one theme which uses different naming, refuses to acknowledge desktop-logout no matter whether I link or copy the relevant file, but canberra-gtk-play -i ending (not in the list of standard names) works.

This used to be that familiar drum sound you heard when Ubuntu started up. I cannot figure out how to get this to play.

It looks like canberra-gtk-play requires something that hasn’t started when the greeter appears (Pulseaudio?), but I haven’t had any luck using aplay either. I’ve only tried running it from a lightdm.conf greeter-setup-script but the result is that I end up in low graphics mode and can’t get any further without opening a console, editing files and rebooting.

I suppose there are other ways to achieve this, but I suspect there will be similar problems of what audio is available at the time.


February 4th, 2016, 09:19 AM
Moved to The Cafe. Not a support request.

February 5th, 2016, 02:13 AM
OK. I suppose that qualifies as a species of comment, though I’m really not sure this counts as “lighthearted and enjoyable discussions, such as you might find around a water cooler at work”…at least not anywhere I’ve worked.