View Full Version : codeblocks 13.12GDB issue

December 12th, 2015, 08:12 PM
I have searched online many links and I have found several post here, That post has been closed, so no help there.
I am using Ubuntu 15.04 and CodeBlocks 13.12
So, is there any information on this this issue or is now just going to be a permanent issue ?
I sure hope there is something to know if codeblocks is just not going to work on Ubuntu and/or CodeBlocks.
Other than the debugging issue, codeblocks is a nice package for C++ but is severely crippled if debugging doesn't work.

December 13th, 2015, 08:32 AM
What do you mean by not working? The picture attached is not helpful here. The warning doesn't really matter.

December 13th, 2015, 08:33 PM
The photo is the results of attempting to use code::blocks debugger. I have seen similar problems of the same on other site when doing internet searches. I did try to log into the
forum for code blocks. So, I am at the determination that perhaps this just doesn’t work for the debugger. I was interested in using C++ but wanted a good IDE for that.
I am starting to look at Eclipse CDT and also found there are commercial C++IDE for Ubuntu and Linux. this strictly hobby stuff for me, so I think the commercial is out of my range.
But, the photo is also the status meassge I get and I was hoping the photo might be easier to identify the issue that I have. But, thanks anyway for your response.

December 14th, 2015, 07:41 PM
I used to use codeblocks for c++. But then I decided to switch to netbeans this year because there aren't new official release for two years while there are bugs on codecompletion, and I depend on this feature most of the time. However, cb 13.12 is still working on Ubuntu 15.01/10 and cb 15.12 is coming soon if you wonder.

December 15th, 2015, 05:06 AM
Interesting. I haven't investigated Netbeans at all. I will take a look. As I mentioned, I am really just experimenting with C++. I did use C for about 3 or more years for programming
micro controllers (Atmel AVR family)and had good results. at that time I felt there was no need to use any OOP like C++. After using Python for about a year or more
I felt less intimated now with classes and thought I would take another stab at C++. I recently purchased a Beagle Board Black and I am interested in using that with QT for a better
screen(s) than command mode. it looks like that C++ is a better approach to use QT. I will keep my eyes open for CB 15.xx , thanks for the heads up.