View Full Version : An issue with displaying function in C/C++

November 1st, 2015, 04:24 PM
Hello guys.

I want to create a simply circular linked list that shows the entered names on the screen.

I also created it but I guess there is something wrong in displayList() function. When I run the codes (which are I've shared below), it shows me strange symbols, articles etc. Would you run and help me about the problem?

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>

struct list
char *data;
struct list *next;

typedef struct list List;
typedef List *ptrList;
ptrList head;

void createALinkedList()
int i, elementNumber;
char value[25];
printf("Express that how many name you'll enter: ");
scanf_s("%d", &elementNumber);
for (i = 0; i < elementNumber; i++)
printf("Enter %d. name of list: ", i + 1);
scanf("%s", &value);
if (head == NULL)
head = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
head->data = value;
head->next = head;
ptrList temp1 = head;
ptrList temp2 = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
while (temp1->next != head)
temp1 = temp1->next;
temp1->next = temp2;
temp2->data = value;
temp2->next = head;

void displayList()
ptrList temp = head;
printf("%s\n", temp->data);
temp = temp->next;
} while (temp != head);

int main()

printf("\n*-* First statement of list *-*\n");

return 0;

November 1st, 2015, 06:21 PM

head->data = value;

just assigns the value of the local pointer: you need to allocate explicit storage for each data string within each struct member that you create, and then strcpy or strncpy the respective `value`s to them, I think. Don't forget to `free` the memory at the end.

November 1st, 2015, 06:28 PM
You don't allocate any memory for the data. Here's one way to do it

head->data = strdup(value);
temp2->data = strdup(value);