View Full Version : What are the best IDE s for C/C++ with QT

October 17th, 2015, 07:49 PM
Hi ,i am very new to Ubuntu and i want to know what are the best IDE s for c/c++ working with QT.

October 18th, 2015, 12:58 AM
The OS is the IDE. I use a few terminals.
* editor - usually vim
* debugger - gdb or xxgdb
* make - to build the project ; I think the kids are using cmake.
* manpages
* some browser to read online docs

If you are going to screw around with some fancy editor - check out geany.

October 18th, 2015, 03:34 AM
Since you have a particular interest in QT, you may want to look at QT Creator. I haven't used it much myself, but I like what I've seen of it when using it.

There is also Eclipse, which has plugins for C/C++ and QT. It is most a Java-based IDE for large Java and Android projects, but the plugins can help you make it whatever you want. Another popular IDE that comes with support for C/C++ and QT is NetBeans. Of the two, I personally prefer NetBeans, but both are solid and have rabidly loyal communities behind them.

Edit: I've also heard Code::Blocks is popular on Linux. I haven't used it much, but my impressions were worse than the other three. Still, I figured I'd mention it since it does seem to be a popular one.