View Full Version : [ubuntu] problem installing android-sdk_r20-linux.tgz on ubuntu

October 3rd, 2015, 06:26 AM
http://engine.adzerk.net/i.gif?e=eyJhdiI6NDE0LCJhdCI6NCwiYnQiOjAsImNtIjo5NT U2MCwiY2giOjE2NTMxLCJjayI6e30sImNyIjoyNjY1NjMsImRp IjoiN2YwYzk0OWUzNTQ3NDExM2I0NGVjZGI3MGIzMDZjOGIiLC JkbSI6MSwiZmMiOjMzMDkyMCwiZmwiOjE3MTc0MSwiaXAiOiIx NzIuMjYuNDEuMTk0Iiwia3ciOiJzb2Z0d2FyZS1pbnN0YWxsYX Rpb24sYW5kcm9pZCxhbmRyb2lkLXNkayx4LXVzZXItcmVnaXN0 ZXJlZCx4LWNvbW11bml0eSx4LW5ld3NsZXR0ZXIseC1ob3N0LW Fza3VidW50dS5jb20iLCJudyI6MjIsInBjIjowLCJwciI6NTcy MjIsInJ0IjoxLCJyZiI6Imh0dHA6Ly9hc2t1YnVudHUuY29tLy IsInN0Ijo1Njc0OSwidWsiOiJ1ZTEtODg2YTYwMjNjYzdkNDVm ZDkxOGI0YmU5MmUwNGMzMGIiLCJ6biI6MjksInRzIjoxNDQzOD Q5NjE3NzQ0LCJiZiI6dHJ1ZSwicG4iOiJhZHplcmsxNzkwNDEx Mjc3In0&s=UouHyTr1EKGsHjhKFr6SWD6QK_g

i am trying to install android-sdk on ubuntu platform but when i run sdk manager it showing nothing i could install can someone tell me what to do.264797

As you can see in the image there is nothing i could install in it it is not showing any package to install.
As it is not working i downloaded latest version android-sdk_r24.3.4-linux.tgz and when i run sdk manager it shows

October 3rd, 2015, 08:35 PM
Did you try clicking on the "new" just after the select near the install button? You should get a list of Android versions, select only the ones you need unless you have a lot of space.