View Full Version : Help needed changing python2 to python3 script

lance bermudez
September 19th, 2015, 01:31 AM
The code was written in python2 using the strand library used 2to3 on script to change to python3 I'm getting the error.

$ python3 pfish.py --sha256 -d /tmp/Test/ -r /home/lance/Python_Forensic/logs/ -v
Command Line Processed: Successfully
Welcome to pfish ... version 1.0
Processing File: /tmp/Test/_pfish.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "pfish.py", line 41, in <module>
filesProcessed = _pfish.WalkPath()
File "/home/lance/Python_Forensic/_pfish.py", line 86, in WalkPath
result=HashFile(fname, file, oCVS)
File "/home/lance/Python_Forensic/_pfish.py", line 173, in HashFile
o_result.writeCSVRow(simpleName, theFile, fileSize, modifiedTime, accessTime, createdTime, hashValue, ownerID, groupID, mode)
File "/home/lance/Python_Forensic/_pfish.py", line 266, in writeCSVRow
self.writer.writerow((fileName, filePath, fileSize, mTime, aTime, cTime, hashVal, own, grp, mod))
TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface

code for script pfish.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# p-fish : Python File System Hash Program
# Author: C. Hosmer
# July 2013
# Version 1.0
how to use
Python pfish.py --hash -d dir -r report -v
C:\p-fish > Python pfish.py --md5 -d “c:\\p-fish\\TESTDIR\\” -r “c:\\p-fish\\” –v
import logging # Python Library logging functions
import time # Python Library time manipulation functions
import sys # Python Library system specific parameters
import _pfish # _pfish Support Function Module

if __name__ =='__main__':

# Turn on Logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='pFishLog.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')

# Process the Command Line Arguments

# Record the Starting Time
startTime = time.time()

# Record the Welcome Message
logging.info('Welcome to pfish version '+PFISH_VERSION+' ... New Scan Started')
_pfish.DisplayMessage('Welcome to pfish ... version ' +PFISH_VERSION)

# Record some information regarding the system
logging.info('System: '+sys.platform)
logging.info('Version: '+sys.version)

# Traverse the file system directories and hash the files
filesProcessed = _pfish.WalkPath()

# Record the end time and calculate the duration
endTime = time.time()
duration = endTime-startTime
logging.info('Files Processed: '+ str(filesProcessed))
logging.info('Elapsed Time: '+ str(duration)+'seconds')
logging.info('Program Terminated Normally')

_pfish.DisplayMessage("Program End")

code for _pyfish.py script

# pfish support functions, where all the work get done
# All import from Python Standard Library
import os # - Miscellaneous operating system interfaces
import stat # - Function for interpreting os results
import time # - Time access and conversions Functions
import hashlib # - Secure hashes and message digests
import argparse # - Parser for commandline options, arguments
import csv # - Reader & Writer for csv files
import logging # - logging facility

log = logging.getLogger('main._pish')

# Name: ParseCommand() Function
# Desc: Process and Validate the line arguments
# Use Python Standard Library module argparse
# Input: None
# Action: Uses the standard Library argparse to process the command line
# Establishes a global Variable gl_args where any of the functions can
# Obtain argument information
def ParseCommandLine():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Python file system hashing...p-fish')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='allows progress messages to be displayed', action='store_true')

# setup a group where the selection is mutually exclusive and required.
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--md5', help='specifies MD5 algorithm', action='store_true')
group.add_argument('--sha256', help='specifies SHA256 algorithm', action='store_true')
group.add_argument('--sha512', help='specifies SHA512 algorithm', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--rootPath', type=ValidateDirectory, required=True, help="specify the root path for hashing")
parser.add_argument('-r', '--reportPath', type=ValidateDirectoryWritable, required=True, help="specify the path for reports and logs will be written")

# create a global object to hold the validated arguments,these will be available then
# to all the Functions within the _pfish.py module

global gl_args
global gl_hashType


if gl_args.md5:
elif gl_args.sha256:
elif gl_args.sha512:
logging.error('Unknown Hash Type Specified')
DisplayMessage("Command Line Processed: Successfully")

# Name: WalkPath() Function
# Desc: Walk the path specified on the command line
# Use Python Standard Library module os and sys
# Input: None, uses command line arguments
# Action: Uses the standard Library os and sys to
# Traverse the directory structure starting a root
# Path specified by the user. For each file discovered, WalkPath
# will call the Function Hashfile() to perform the file hashing

def WalkPath():
oCVS=_CSVWriter(gl_args.reportPath+'fileSystemRepo rt.csv', gl_hashType)

# Create a loop that process all the files starting
# at the rootPath, all sub-directories will also be
# processed

log.info('Root Path: '+gl_args.rootPath)

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(gl_args.rootPath):
# for each file obtain the filename and call the HashFile Function
for file in files:
fname=os.path.join(root, file)
result=HashFile(fname, file, oCVS)

# if hashing was successful then increment the ProcessCount
if result is True:
processCount += 1
# if not successful, then increment the ErrorCount
ErrorCount += 1

# Name: HashFile() Function
# Desc: Processes a single file which includes performing a hash of the file
# Use Python Standard Library modules hashlib, os, and sys
# Input: theFile=the full path of the file
# simpleName=Just the filename itself
# Action: Attempts to hash the file and extract metadata
# Call GenerateReport for successful hashed files

def HashFile(theFile, simpleName, o_result):
# Verify that the path is valid
if os.path.exists(theFile):
#Verify that the path is not a symbolic link
if not os.path.islink(theFile):
#Verify that the file is real
if not os.path.islink(theFile):
#Attempt to open the file
f = open(theFile,'rb' )
except IOError:
#if open fails report the error
log.warning( 'Open Failed:'+ theFile)
# Attempt to read the file
rd = f.read()
except IOError:
# if read fails, then close the file and report error
log.warning('Read Failed: '+theFile)
# success the file is open and we can read from it
# lets query the file stats
theFileStats = os.stat(theFile)
(mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime) = os.stat(theFile)
#Print the simple file name
DisplayMessage("Processing File: " + theFile)
# print the size of the file in Bytes
fileSize = str(size)
#print MAC Times
modifiedTime = time.ctime(mtime)
accessTime = time.ctime(atime)
createdTime = time.ctime(ctime)
ownerID = str(uid)
groupID = str(gid)
fileMode = bin(mode)
#process the file hashes
if gl_args.md5:
#Calcuation and Print the MD5
hash = hashlib.md5()
hexMD5 = hash.hexdigest()
hashValue = hexMD5.upper()
elif gl_args.sha256:
elif gl_args.sha512:
#Calculate and Print the SHA512
log.error('Hash not Selected')
#File processing completed
#Close the Active File
# write one row to the output file
o_result.writeCSVRow(simpleName, theFile, fileSize, modifiedTime, accessTime, createdTime, hashValue, ownerID, groupID, mode)
return True
log.warning('['+ repr(simpleName) +', Skipped NOT a File'+']')
return False
log.warning('['+ repr(simpleName) +', Skipped Link NOT a File'+']')
return False
log.warning('['+ repr(simpleName) +', Path does NOT exist'+']')
return False

# Name: ValidateDirectory Function
# Desc: Function that will validate a directory path as
# existing and readable. Used for argument validation only
# Input: a directory path string
# Actions:
# if valid will return the Directory String
# if invalid it will raise an ArgumentTypeError within argparse
# which will in turn be reported by argparse to the user
def ValidateDirectory(theDir):
# Validate the path is a directory
if not os.path.isdir(theDir):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Directory does not exist')
# Validate the path is readable
if os.access(theDir, os.R_OK):
return theDir
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Directory is not readable')

# Name: ValidateDirectoryWritable Function
# Desc: Function that will validate a directory path as
# existing and writable. Used for argument validation only
# Input: a directory path string
# Actions:
# if valid will return the Directory String
# if invalid it will raise an ArgumentTypeError within argparse
# which will in turn be reported by argparse to the user
def ValidateDirectoryWritable(theDir):
# Validate the path is a directory
if not os.path.isdir(theDir):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Directory does not exist')
# Validate the path is writable
if os.access(theDir, os.W_OK):
return theDir
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Directory is not writable')

# Name: DisplayMessage() Function
# Desc: Displays the message if the verbose command line option is present
# Input: message type string
# Actions:
# Uses the standard library print function to display the message
def DisplayMessage(msg):
if gl_args.verbose:

# Class: _CSVWriter
# Desc: Handles all methods related to comma separated value operations
#Methods constructor: Initializes the CSV File
# writeCVSRow: Writes a single row to the csv file
# writerClose: Closes the CSV File
class _CSVWriter:
def __init__(self, fileName, hashType):
# create a writer object and then write the header row
self.csvFile = open(fileName,'wb' )
self.writer = csv.writer(self.csvFile, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
self.writer.writerow(('File', 'Path', 'Size', 'Modified Time', 'Access Time', 'Created Time', hashType, 'Owner', 'Group', 'Mode'))
log.error('CSV File Failure')
def writeCSVRow(self, fileName, filePath, fileSize, mTime, aTime, cTime, hashVal, own, grp, mod):
self.writer.writerow((fileName, filePath, fileSize, mTime, aTime, cTime, hashVal, own, grp, mod))
def writerClose(self):