View Full Version : Ubuntu 16.04 Stupendously Hot Charmander concept

August 18th, 2015, 06:41 PM
Hi guys. I had some spare time, let's say couple of hours so I decided to make a concept. You will get the idea!

>>Behance project page (https://www.behance.net/gallery/28804097/Ubuntu-1604-Stupendously-Hot-Charmander-concept)

If you like it, click thumb icon below!

Any feedback is welcome. Thank you :)

edit: sample img


August 19th, 2015, 12:23 AM
You should wait until Microsoft releases Windows 10 under an open source licence and then offer your work to Microsoft. That is not to my taste. Well, you did ask.

August 19th, 2015, 01:18 AM
I wish my desk was as neat as that picture.

looks very good, march08.

August 19th, 2015, 01:27 AM
The sign in page in the second picture looks way too much like Windows 10. Just a thought. ;)

August 19th, 2015, 05:29 AM
Very pretty. I love it.

August 19th, 2015, 12:10 PM
looks nice.

August 19th, 2015, 03:32 PM
I like it!

August 19th, 2015, 05:38 PM
Very nice :) . That would probably replace numix for me

August 20th, 2015, 10:22 PM
Unfortunately, I agree with Graham. Not to my taste, either. While I can admire the minimalism of the concept (which I quite like, by the way), my overall view is that if I want a system that looks like Windows 10.....then I'll run Windows 10.

Not gonna happen!


Mike. ;)

August 23rd, 2015, 08:55 PM
I will also say that it is not to my taste. It looks like a rip off of windows 10. I don't understand why everyone thinks if it's flat it's got to be good. Personally, I think these flat designs suck and lack originality. I do not think they look elegant or cool or whatever. I love how Ubuntu has always looked. If this is how 16.04 is going to look (flat) then maybe it's time to look for another distro.

August 24th, 2015, 03:27 AM
The tabs...They go above the windows...They're driving me nuts!

Overall, I'm not a huge fan of the flat, highly-colorful look that seems to be popular now, so the concept isn't really for me.

August 24th, 2015, 08:55 AM
I agree with Graham, you should offer your work to Microsoft, your concept is not helping Ubuntu, it is taking it in a very very wrong direction. This concept is definitely not for me.

August 25th, 2015, 12:16 PM
I just checked it on Behance and I like it very much. This is something that most regular people are expecting with Unity 8. They want a bit of fresh new design, beacuse they do not understand the "code stuff".

- Background should be official one, looks great. I would like to get download link, if it's possible :D
- The top panel is simple and fits in the new Ubuntu style for phones. Drop menu from top panel looks like elementary OS, so I would tweak it a bit. Maybe use darker colors insted of white...
- Left launcher is perfect, the Ubuntu logo looks (again) like on Ubuntu Phone, so it makes it recognizeable.
- Icons are truly Ubuntu if you ask me, and would disagree that they remind of Windows 10. Ubuntu had this kind of style of icons for ages, even though it wasn't used in the OS. Check this: http://design.ubuntu.com/downloads
Orange circle with white symbol, it is Ubuntu. And thoose icons where and still are all over Ubuntu web site. Of course apps would use their color insted of orange, but the style is the same - plain color and white symbol and Ubuntu had it long before Windows 10. And they look totally cool :D
- Launcher search is extra, it just feels and looks fast even though it is just a picture. And it makes much more sense this way - vertical, beacuse it is closer to Launcher so everything is near to that left side of screen.
Yes it does look a bit like Windows 10, but if Microsoft can "borrow" convergence idea, why couldn't "borrow" search idea.

But I dislike login and window control placement.

The way current login looks on Unity 8 is better for me. It can contain more usefull inforamtions, and it just looks better. Try to combine that with your design.

The windows controls (max, min, close) should go left as they are now, beacuse everything about Ubuntu is on the left - launcher, search, app options, so window controls should also be there, so everything is near. Also that "titlebar with tabs" I would keep it darker, so it matches top panel color.

All in all it looks more that great, and I would love to see what would someone from Canonical say to this images.


August 30th, 2015, 08:28 PM
I would actually like the flat design IF it meant that Unity would require fewer graphics resources. As it is right now, I have a handful of machines that are so laggy on Ubuntu that they are not usable. I've tried Windows 10, and it actually runs better, I assume because Explorer 10 can adapt to machines with really low specs, and without looking like crap (Think Windows 7 basic theme versus aero). At least having the choice of a flat, low resource design would be a good thing, right?

August 31st, 2015, 07:35 AM
I would actually like the flat design IF it meant that Unity would require fewer graphics resources. As it is right now, I have a handful of machines that are so laggy on Ubuntu that they are not usable. I've tried Windows 10, and it actually runs better, I assume because Explorer 10 can adapt to machines with really low specs, and without looking like crap (Think Windows 7 basic theme versus aero). At least having the choice of a flat, low resource design would be a good thing, right?

I think you have problems with your graphic cards. Anything that can run Windows would have no problem running Ubuntu resource wise. Post a thread in the support forum.

August 31st, 2015, 08:20 AM
I would actually like the flat design IF it meant that Unity would require fewer graphics resources. As it is right now, I have a handful of machines that are so laggy on Ubuntu that they are not usable. I've tried Windows 10, and it actually runs better, I assume because Explorer 10 can adapt to machines with really low specs, and without looking like crap (Think Windows 7 basic theme versus aero). At least having the choice of a flat, low resource design would be a good thing, right?

It's too bad that people are thinking in technical terms here... it is not supposed to spare resources.

It's supposed to make this fashionable, modern, bold. Also more ergonomic. I wish people would comment on the graphical/ergonomics aspect of the post.

September 2nd, 2015, 09:40 PM
I think you have problems with your graphic cards. Anything that can run Windows would have no problem running Ubuntu resource wise. Post a thread in the support forum.

Agree 100% all Ubuntu versions have always worked on all my desktops and laptops till date. I've been using Ubuntu since the days when Intel Dual Core processors were the thing, and I remember back in those days 2 gigs of ram was considered pretty good. The first Desktop that I ever ran Ubuntu on had just that, 2 gigs of ram, Intel Dual Core, and inbuilt Intel graphics, I didn't have nvidia or amd graphics back then, because I remember gaming was a problem and I could only get the water and wobbly windows effects to work on Compiz.. But Ubuntu itself ran flawlessly, without any screen tearing or other graphical issues. I even ran Linux Mint without any problem on the same desktop.

I've had quite a few laptops after this, and all of them had good nvidia or amd graphics cards and 4 plus gigs of ram, with the latest Intel processors, needless to say, Ubuntu ran smoothly, without any issues.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, flat design is not for me. If Canonical does however employ the flat design, I wish they also make an option available to switch back to how Ubuntu has always looked for those of us who like it the way it is. Flat design is boring and it isn't innovation to do what everybody is doing. You can't get a windows machine to have those kick ass compiz effects, because windows is boring and lame and it makes me sleepy. I don't want my machine to look like the elegant and chic stores at a shopping mall.

September 4th, 2015, 04:00 PM
it look beautiful to me, but it gives me the feeling of "too metro"

September 7th, 2015, 11:04 AM
I think it looks clean and stylish which are both important. Functionality would be determined beyond the mock-up phase for sure. Aesthetically I'm not sure whether the spilled over tab would drive me nuts. It's still clever. I guess this isn't a universal menu friendly feature anyway. Keep on keeping on! : )

October 20th, 2015, 01:36 PM
I still really appreciate your design.
Any updates on that ? Have you kept on developing this, or having contacts with contributors ?

November 7th, 2015, 07:40 PM
I like your concept very much. The drop-down bubbles are refreshing, yet not distracting, and the tabs which stick out look actually better than tabs that fit in a window. Since Ubuntu has menu in the top panel I don't see any reason why to keep the navigation bar on top of each window either - good job removing it.

There are, however, a few things I'd change.
- Since there is no border, which is great btw, I would keep the shading of app windows. That way the content of two apps wouldn't seem to merge.
- I like more the current unity log screen.
- Round icons (I know, Ubuntu had them for ages...) in the left panel look too much like Firefox OS, which I am not a fan of. I like this icon concept way better http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/02/ubuntu-touch-icon-requests.
- The navigation buttons should stay on left.

Keep it up. I hope to see this theme in the next distribution.

November 7th, 2015, 08:38 PM
Looks clean and neat to me. I might consider installing this when 16.04 comes along if it is available.

November 19th, 2015, 04:36 PM
The sign in page in the second picture looks way too much like Windows 10. Just a thought. ;)

The login screen may look like Windows 10, but that doesn't mean it is a bad thing either (I kinda like the Windows 10 login screen and some of their styling).

I think it looks clean and stylish which are both important. Functionality would be determined beyond the mock-up phase for sure. Aesthetically I'm not sure whether the spilled over tab would drive me nuts. It's still clever. I guess this isn't a universal menu friendly feature anyway. Keep on keeping on! : )

I agree with your thoughts, including the spill-over-tabs.

If this was a packaged theme I may be willing to install it and give it a try. Right now I do use a flat icon set and wallch to change my wallpaper every so often and that is fine by me. The flat design doesn't bother me and when I was using Plasma 5 I kinda liked it.

Great thing is, there is the choice... you use what you like, I use what I like and everybody is happy and moves along... :)

December 3rd, 2015, 01:37 PM
This is an extremely refreshing design IMO, and something that would make me consider switching back from Xubuntu again, after having lived in exile for the last couple of years* Great job!

* Reason: I simply can't stand those "half-gloss" icons. Even worse, the way they fold away in the bottom like cheap "2D 3D" ... brrr ...

March 15th, 2016, 01:05 PM

However ...

Adobe Design Tools? Seriously?

Had you used the abundant and equally powerful linux design tools (sudo apt install ubuntustudio-graphics) I would totally endorse the concept.

April 11th, 2016, 01:11 PM
That's a nice concept. But, I agree that it's looks like a rip off from windows 10. Maybe if you could redesign it more so it would like an Ubuntu with flat design (not a windows 10 rip off), I think it's fine to have an option to use one and to be able to choose it directly from setting menu on Ubuntu system. Ubuntu is open environtment, user always have an option to use or not to use. And everyone has the equal right to speak their own opinion, their idea, and their creativity. Through diversity, the community continues to grow.

Regards, and good luck.

April 20th, 2016, 07:42 AM
I agree, opinions are welcome.
I have a hard time however with the window 10 ripoff accusations. As if it were a bad thing ?

We have to admit that when it comes to UI, in terms of consistency, looks and ergonomics, both windows and mac are ahead.
Now I am all for open source software, but I wish the Ubuntu community would actually consider accepting somes ideas, be it from microsoft or others.
Also, please, how does using Adobe software represents a problem in the proposition here ?

Alternative: ignore windows as if it were the devil, but windows itself will not ignore the linux community; it has started a charm offensive and will take back some more hardcore users (bash, visual studio initiatives).

On the subject at hand: can we easily install the design on the new 16.04 ? That, I'll embrace wholeheartedly.
Full disclosure: I want to stay on ubuntu and open source software. Please be more progressive when it comes to UI.

September 15th, 2016, 01:30 PM
I love it! Quite similar to Window 10 in some way, like the opacity of options.

September 16th, 2016, 10:47 PM
The OP wrote:

Any feedback is welcome.

But has not logged in since August 21st 2015, only three days after joining the forum and posting this thread. There's not much point in any further necromancy of this thread.

Thread closed.