View Full Version : Ubuntu 6.06 LTS given award by IT Reviews

August 3rd, 2006, 07:44 PM
Dapper has been given a “Recommended” award by IT Reviews (http://www.itreviews.co.uk/software/s384.htm):

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is a very complete and usable Linux distribution and one that’s remarkably easy to get to grips with compared to some others. All of which makes it a good starting point for newcomers, but don’t be fooled into thinking it’s cut-down in any way. As well as appealing to the hobbyist, Ubuntu is a full Linux implementation with everything needed for business use, including automatic updates and commercial support should you need it.

More... (http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/461)

August 6th, 2006, 09:15 PM