View Full Version : Python3 - How to import from different directory to access from /usr/bin

July 2nd, 2015, 03:58 AM
Hi everyone! I got a problem to import modules from different directory in Python3. I know that I can import module from different directory if that directory got __init__.py in it. So I try to do that like this -


Above structure let me access mymodule.py from executable.py -


from mymoduledir.mymodule import *

hi("Ubuntu") # Output "Hello, and Hi to the Ubuntu community"

but how I can import modules, say in /usr/lib (that don't have __init__.py (I need to access the module from /usr/bin))

If it's in C, it will be simple as #include "../to/path" and let me use the headers with ease from /usr/lib


So here is my question -

How can I access the modules in /usr/lib (says, the module name usr/lib/lizard.py, and accessed by /usr/bin/my_program.py)?

What or which "import" statement do I need to modify and invoke in my_program.py?

Thanks for every helps! :D

# Hmmppf, I think I gotta spend my time with my first programming language and learn the OO facilities it provide (Python), than switching to others and learn new syntax to do the same thing.

July 2nd, 2015, 04:53 AM
Duplicate here: